qaf_anon Reminder

Apr 29, 2006 01:00

This is the last day for voting at qaf_anon. So if you haven't dropped in with your votes, head on over. The poll closes at midnight EST.

Thank you to everyone who has voted, left comments, talked about the community, hell even if you talked shit about the community at least you talked. Heh. The cool thing is that besides one linkage that I visited via my flist, all the 'shit talk' has flown completely under (over?) my radar. I love my flist.

I have soooo wanted to comment to so many people but I can't. That sucks! I have also wanted to leave feedback on the stories, coz even though supposedly ayesakara and I know who the writers are, WE REALLY DON'T. With 34 stories, it was really impossible to keep track of who wrote what -- thus I really only know offhand who wrote... *counts*... perhaps 10 of the stories. Still, I will try to leave my feedback on Monday when the writers are revealed.

Okay. So now I am running off to see my mom. Hope everyone is having a lovely Saturday!

comm: qaf_anon

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