Randomosity (again)

Apr 08, 2006 05:23

1. I am once again days behind on LJ. I will get caught up. I WILL DAMNIT.

2. There is another prize added to the list at qaf_anon. Me and ayesakara should buy stock in smelling salts because we are fainting a LOT.

3. I keep seeing this ad for a new reality show called "God or the Girl". It's about four guys entering the priesthood. In the commercial, one of the guys says, "I've decided to abstain from sexual relationships with women." Um. It's good to know that he's keeping his same-sex options open. :p

4. I just found out that one of the drivers at work used to be a touring/recording singer/musician. His bands were called Lacey Cain (unsure of spelling) and the Nightt Wizards (pretty sure it was Night with two T's). He also worked with Faster Pussycat for a year. I've been trying to find info about him online but no luck so far! He says if I go to his place (in Toronto) he has all his clippings and recordings and such. Kind of neat.

5. It sucks being poor and unable to travel to see Randy. If it was Gale, however, I would prostitute myself on a street corner come up with the money somehow.

6. Because I have somehow become a reality show junkie, I have been watching bits and pieces of MuchMusic's VJ Search. I know, I know. But ROBIN BLACK is one of the judges. ROBIN BLACK = THE COOL. Anyway, it is now voting time. So if you, you know, want to help out SEAN, the very Fabulous VJ hopeful who thought he was being included as the token fag who would give everyone a giggle and then be booted off and has proved himself to be funny, smart, quick on his feet and clearly the best of the pack... um, then yes, go to Much VJ Search and vote for SEAN. Okay? I went to that "keep Veronice Mars on the air" thingy for you guys. ;p

actor: randy harrison, comm: qaf_anon, work

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