Tired and Rambly

Feb 22, 2006 21:51

We have 39 participants at qaf_anon! You know what that means? 39 NEW BRIAN/JUSTIN STORIES AT THE END OF APRIL!! And there is still 4 more days left for sign-ups... so any of you fence-sitters out there, go to the comm and sign-up. Now. Yes, I'm looking at YOU. :p

I have a cold. But it's all settled in my chest, so it doesn't seeeeeem like I have a cold. I'm a little sniffly, a little sneezy, I have a little cough, but overall I seem fine. Meanwhile I can't sleep coz of wheezing, and my chest hurts when I walk more than a block, and I feel short-tempered. whine whine whine

Note to self: When sister offers you a ride home from council meeting, TAKE IT.

Also, I am pretty sure I am giving up on Lost. Nothing.Ever.Happens. Even when stuff happens, nothing happens. It's like there is zero forward momentum. I was willing to forgive Sayid one torture session coz he seemed sincerely disgusted at his actions, but I can't forgive him TWO, especially when he's not at all contrite. The ends really do not justify the means. And Sawyer is now dead to me, what with the frog-squishing and all. And have I mentioned that nothing ever happens?

On the plus side, that frees up a television slot for American Idol. I do not know why I am addicted to this very lame show, yet I am. I am even taping the guys competition thingy tonight because I got home too late to watch it.

But why the hell is American Idol on like 3 times a week? I feel incredibly slothy sitting on my ass in front of the TV for sooooo many hours. Grrrr.

This weekend I plan to rewatch QaF 101-103. Because I want to rewatch to see if I have anything to add to qaf_marathons. Which is totally a comm YOU should join as well, because hey, anything to keep the QaF-love alive. And who doesn't love talking about Brian Kinney this show? :)

comm: qaf_anon, health, nursing home, tv: american idol, tv: lost

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