Please help me, oh mighty Flist

Jan 26, 2006 21:46

So I joined the Family Council at the nursing home. I have been assigned the task of making a webpage for the council. I told them I only know basic html and apparently that will suffice, since only one other person even knew what "html" was ( Read more... )

nursing home

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severina2001 January 27 2006, 14:13:28 UTC
All that does is make, like, a pencil-thin line. I can't seem to adjust thickness. Also, it seems like you'd have to find out exactly where the middle of the picture is to start.

But thank you SO much for trying to help.


meret January 30 2006, 23:16:07 UTC
I've never used Paint or photo Impression, but these sites might help.


severina2001 January 31 2006, 14:21:43 UTC
Thanks for the attempt. I think I will have to wait till Liz is online some night and she can walk me through it. *sigh*


twistinside82 February 4 2006, 01:15:17 UTC


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