I bought The Lost Boys on DVD today. Look at me spending money! It was a deal though, and includes director commentary and also commentary by The Coreys, and 2 more hours of extra features and ohhhhhh I know what I'm going to be doing tomorrow.
Speaking of vampires, who's got recs for good AU QaF-vampire stuff? It's gotta be out there.
seperis wrote the absolutely amazing "Colder In My Skin", and she can't be the only one. Of course, 'good' is the operative word here.
I found a "Warriors" website the other day. I was very excited because there is fanfic. Then I was horrified because there is very BAD fanfic. Like, all of it. I know the movie was made in the 70's so you're kind of stuck with that lingo and all, but still. Apparently character introspection is unheard of in that fandom. *sigh*
I don't want to go to work. Also, I had a lovely dinner tonight with Jen and Amy at Montanas, and thus I should not be hungry. Yet I am. I will resolutely ignore my rumbling stomach. *nods*