Sep 22, 2008 00:47
This weekend has been pretty busy. Saturday was I was pretty productive-- I worked on sanding my desk, I went to the Willy Street fair (which was pretty neat but would have been better with slightly less hippies), I did some dishes, made a really nice dinner for myself, etc. etc. Today was less good. I went shopping for winter clothes with my sister, and then we watched an episode of Doctor Who, which was fun. But my power adapter on my computer completely died last night, and I had my sister bring her PA over (we have nearly the same computer) and at first when I plugged it in it did not work. I actually started to cry, because on laptops the piece where you plug in a PA is usually soldered to the motherboard, so if it doesn't work you have to replace the entire motherboard, which costs ~$600. My laptop is not even worth that much anymore, and I do not have the money to buy a new computer (or a new motherboard). But I finally got it to work. Hurrah! Right now my computer has a little bit of a charge in it from my sister's PA, and I have a new one on order, so that's all good.
This evening I went to Sabbat, which was fun. I was Rogue (of course). I am in love with my fake hair clips-- so much better than actually attempting to bleach my dark hair white. I'm a little bit frustrated with myself, because I did not get to be tied up or beaten at Sabbat and it is all my own damn fault. I should have either a) taken up Dark Phoenix and Emma Frost on the hog-tying me up thing right away or b) gathered the balls to ask a cute boy to beat me the fuck up. Because I really was in the mood to get fucked up. Y'know, I remember thinking when I was like 15 or so, that as soon as I just got past my shyness enough to make friends everything would be awesome. But no. Said shyness is still biting me in the ass (in a bad way) eight years later.
I kind of wish I could do this evening all over again. Oh well, ther is always next month. Next time, Gadget, next time!
Edit: How was I tipsy enough to show people my ass but not tipsy enough to ask a boy to tie/beat me up? Seriously, it's Sabbat. It's not like it's likely they're going to say no.