entry ♪ 001

Aug 17, 2009 22:45

I am Daryan Crescend, for those of you that don't know, and I am your new school Counselor. It's my job to listen to you lament about your angst, bitch about your hatred for your peers, ( and professors alike), go giddy over your latest school crush, and most importantly, play mediator when the shit hits the fan, and you kids start trying to tear one another limb from limb. I'll be in my office most of the time, but on those rare occasions when I'm not there, just drop me a line, or PM, and we can set up an appointment.

In the meantime, I need to find Geeter.
He and I need to get reacquainted.

It certainly has been a while, ain' that right, Hogwarts?

I bet that you didn't think that you would be seeing me so soon. So sorry to disappoint you, but hey, no hard feelings, right? although it was you that condemned me to that despicable prison! Just thinking about my time spent there, in Azkaban, makes me shiver involuntarily .

I think that it's time we talk.
I am sure you're pretty pissed at me not so happy to see me.
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