
Jan 18, 2009 09:28

I should've told this story when it happened, but I only just remembered it.

This guy had just gotten on the bus with a fuckload of shopping. He'd just managed to put it down and the bus driver took off, not seeing that there was a red light until it was nearly too late. He slammed on the breaks and the guy (who hadn't been able to sit down) went flying, staggering down and ended up slamming his head into the used ticket collection near the front of the bus. He didn't hit hard enough to break the skin, it seemed, but it was really close to the centre of his forehead and it made this -awful- cracking noise. Everyone was pretty much in shock until the busdriver yelled at the -guy- for not being seated, at which point we pretty much all snarled. The bus driver got yelled at for a bit, because there was no reason for him to yell at the guy and not ask if he was okay, and then the coolest thing happened.

You know those kids on the bus that always look ratty? With a rats tail and unwashed jacket and pretty much a bogan? One of these kids took a water bottle out of his bag and headed down to the guy to see if he was alright. He spent the short bus ride into the city with the guy and the guy's friends (with his big brother or cousin or something keeping a close eye on him) making sure the guy was alright.

Of course, then he had to ruin the effect by calling the bus driver a cunt as he got off, but he did try, and that's what counts.


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