Oct 07, 2006 02:02
So things are over. Not for a few more weeks, not for a few more months, not even for a few more years. Things are over and done with and they wont ever be again. I know I've said this before, but there is no longer a doubt. I don't feel like getting into the details at the moment, I will when I'm not as battered and broken, but I know someone out there is probably wondering what's going on.
No more need to worry, the healing can finally begin. I'm down to ashes now but too many people look up to me. I can't let everyone down no matter how much I want to.
All I can say is sometimes I really do hate life and how it seems some people are destined to be unhappy due to the simple nature that their good people.
"Firefly" Breaking Benjamin
You my friend, you're a lot like them
but I cut your line
and you know I did
now I'm lost in you
like I always do
and I'd die to win
cause I'm born to lose
Firefly, could you shine your light?
Now I've learned your ways,
cause they're just like mine
Now I'm justified as I fall in line
and it's hard to try when you're open wide
Take my hand, we'll be off and then
we'll come back again to different land
Now I like this way
You can go away
if you guess the name
you cannot replace
Firefly, could you shine your light?
Now I've learned your ways,
cause they're just like mine
Now I'm justified as I fall in line
and it's hard to try when you're open wide
Bring me your enemies
lay them before me
and walk away
Walk away
Walk away
Firefly, could you shine your light?
Now I've learned your ways,
cause they're just like mine
Now I'm justified as I fall in line
and it's hard to try when you're open wide
Fuck you firefly,
have you lost your light?
Now I hate your ways,
cause they're just like mine
So you've lost, my friend, such a sorry end
and I don't know why
So I choke and smile
She's my firefly and dawn's approaching