My thesis and I: a week in review.
Last Friday-Tuesday: We got into a fight. I said, "You need to get bigger!" My thesis looked me up and down and said, "Oh you are such a hypocrite!" "No, no," I was quick to explain. "There's a double standard at work here. I am a girl, there are no graduation requirements on MY size, but you are a document." My thesis is slight of build, but, as Marissa said, "I'm sure it leads a rich inner life." I suppose it is only fair that my thesis resemble me in such a manner.
Wednesday-Thursday: Reconciled with thesis, now named "Glendora Marie," but was distracted by presence of Blazing Aleph near desk. Thesis got jealous and demanded my attention, which I gave to it on
Friday: So sunny! Worked outside, but then resisted the pull of the sun and went to the fundome. While I was busy deciding how much I hated and resented everyone who was drunk and at the Hum Play and having fun, the guy across from me and his friends decided it would be the perfect time to TACKLE EACH OTHER TO THE FLOOR! I got angry, but didn't yell, because really, I was just jealous that they were having a grand old time.
Today: Guy across the way appologized to me for the "ruckus," because "anyone in the library on a Friday night must be pretty serious." I told him that in retrospect, his behavior was hilarious, and besides, I can't stay mad at anyone who says "ruckus" and mistakes me for a "serious" person, as opposed to silly little girl who just happens to have an important deadline to meet.