Because I felt like sharing this character sheet....Yes, this is a real character I RP on a forum. Fear me.
Name of Character:
Tempest Sahara Lupin - Youngest daughter of Remus and Nymphadora Lupin
Sixteen - Sixth year
Often times introverted to a fault, she has never once been considered quiet. Tempest doesn’t stand for ignorance whether it be an issue of intelligence or intolerance; the latter having far more pressing than the former. She doesn’t have time for it actually, intolerance, since she both her mother and her father had the forethought to teach her acceptance and understanding to those oppressed individuals of both the muggle and wizard world alike. She’s been known to be quite outspoken on certain subjects but tries her best not to press her views onto others.
Tempest likes to be active in school activities that don’t revolve around quidditch. She doesn’t like playing the game and finds watching it to be a bit tedious. It’s just a jock sport in her opinion but she does see the athletic benefits. She just prefers to stick on the ground since her broom skills aren’t exactly excellent. That’s why she’s been most adamant in seeking permission to start other clubs much like the dueling club. Ones that promote more physical aspects of the body in relation to the ground rather than the air. Helps that most of the ones she has in mind appeal to both the physical as well as the mental abilities of its participants.
Her humor is a both a high point as well as sore aspect of her personality. Often times it’s rather dry and only humorous to herself and the select few that got her jokes, if any were told, or found the same humor in what she was laughing at. Not very many did but it didn’t bother her nor seemed to anyone else. She’s also very confrontational; doesn’t take or put up with bullshit for very long. If it’s wrong and she doesn’t like it someone is bound to hear about it. Though she does try to take care of the problem herself first before involving others if at all possible. This has landed her into tight spots all the time, whether at home, school, or elsewhere.
Born into a very loving family, Tempest hasn’t wanted for much in the way of nurturing. Her parents already had two children, her eldest sister and brother, when she and [???] came along; twins., so her rearing was well practiced and followed a set path. The material possessions weren’t emphasized instead laughter, tolerance, and the simple things were forefront in her earliest childhood memories. Always a warm smile and even warmer embrace was offered at every turn as a babe and followed all throughout her upbringing. Her mother, Nymphadora Tonks-Lupin, entertained her (and her brother) with simple magical tricks like any witching mother would but had also opened her imagination with man muggle inspired rearing techniques. So there was always something to keep her busy and her mind working. She figured that’s why she turned out as bright as she did.
By no means a genius, Tempest enjoyed being a cut above the rest in many aspects of her early education. She learned to read and write at a very early age, along with most the other Lupin children, but she took it a step further and took to learning all she could. Of course that tapered off when she started public education, instead focusing on her subjects at hand rather than the thousand others available at her fingertips. Her grades were always very good but she never managed to garner straight pluses though, if with effort, she could have.
She found herself at an impasse when she discovered debate. It wasn’t something most children her age took up or held much interest in taking seriously, yet she enjoyed the idea of being able to argue with others with no ill will. It was very liberating; so at the age of eight she partook in the pursuit. Soon she found herself in more trouble than she bargained for when her outspoken views on certain subjects she didn’t fully understand brought her into the view of older and more knowledgeable children in her school. She learned her lesson about speaking her mind without thinking after a few rough and tumble battles that she mostly lost. That’s why she prefers words over fists, she can defeat more that way. Perhaps it’s also why bother her mother and father decided that she should learn to defend herself with more than words when they failed her.
Happily after a few lessons in various magical and muggle defense courses she was able to defend not only herself but her views if the need arose. Tempest isn’t an expert any anything she’s learned but she knows enough to be able to take care of herself if need be. But then again, she had two brothers that don’t mind coming to her aid most the time so her fists don’t see much action. Besides, she prefers practicing her katas, shadow movements, and the various other training techniques more than actually fighting. She isn’t one to go looking for a fight either and more than often will choose to battle an aggressor with words before she’ll resort to physical action. And she knows when to turn tail and run…which unfortunately she’s done on many occasions.
Once she received her Hogwarts letter she, like any other typical young person, was excited and couldn’t wait to start her magical education. Her parents, as well as elder sister and brother, answered as many of her questions as they could stand about the school so she was more than prepared for her introduction to the place. Others she was not so prepared for.* [see Interesting Facts]
Interesting Facts:
Though she’s chosen to remain neutral between the most outspoken factions that doesn’t stop her from holding friendships between the two’s members. She doesn’t limit herself to good or evil since she believes that there is a place for both in not only the wizarding world but the world as a whole.
*Both parents explained about the houses at Hogwarts and what each thought they represented. Both were particular about Slytherin, her mother more so than her father. Their take on all the houses were informative as such but that didn’t really matter to Tempest since she didn’t care about something she hadn’t experienced for herself quite yet. She decided she’d hold her opinion about the four houses until her sorting….so it was a shock not only to her family but to herself when she was sorted into Slytherin. She didn’t express any want or need to be in the silver and green nor any of the houses really…it was purely The Sorting Hat’s delegation.
I should have been more descriptive...blah