(no subject)

Jan 24, 2005 07:38

its only 10 am and my days totally fucked.

im too young for this shit!

OKay so,

I went to the Orthopedic (sp) doctor. cuz ive been having back pain... A LOT! for about 6 months... i couldnt lift my left leg up without have the botton of my spin make me wanna cry....
  So it was time to do to the Dr. and i did. 1st to my normal doc. but he sed go to an orthopedic. soo FINALLY i did. So i get there and he checks out my back, ugh he was one of those gumpy fuckers. blah! So i tell wat hurts and how it hurts wen i do w.e

so i had to strip and get into one of those SEXY paper gowns.... dont hate! ne ways. so he looks and moves my legs this way and that way. and it didnt hurt! so im thinkin fuck hes not gonna believe me. i look like a dumass!

then hes like we're gonna go an x ray. so im like ok. so they go and gimme sum xrays.  and i go baq to my room and get dressed. (they lady that was doin my x ray sed i had pretty eyeshadow =) and i felt kool cuz i made it myself .. =D well i MIXED IT BITCHES! lol

ne ways so im my room waiting 4 ever! and the dr. comes in and was like

"okay well Natalia u were born with something called. hrgfswhjfsgsgfsh < no idea wat he sed! .. which means u were born with one of ur spinal back bones cracked" [ did he say cracked! YES! im 17!! ive never broken ne tihng in my life! but i was BORN BROKEN!] so then i kinda zone out. but then i baq up and hes likes u need to take meds 1 in the am and one in the pm. ur skool nurse should never have to have it. and u have to wear a BACK BRACE wen you go places you'll b walking for awhile.. [ why dont i just put a sign on my chest saying "LOOK AT ME IM A LOSER!"  then he sed i have to do phsyical therpy for 4 to 6 weeks. .... which actually i dont mind cuz i get massages and shit =) but wen i finally was gonna fall apart and thought my life total sux  he finally sed sumin i wanted to hear

"Natalia no gym class for 3 months"

NICCCCCE!!! i hate gym!

but other then that this sux..... i mean how would u feel if u go to the drs just to get sum pain killers and him say u were born broken!that was a smack in the face.

my therpy starts next mon. and my next dr apt is Feb 21 my best friends b day... watta bitch!


leave me sumin nice. its been a hard day =(


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