Oct 03, 2003 21:08
okay im really nervous/excited right now. ive been looking at one school in particular and it seems to be what ive been looking for.
stuff to be stoked about:
- only a grand more than what i was paying in boston.
- cheaper than both uarts and drexel.
- a foundation year geared specifically towards photography (which means no drawing/painting classes for a year before i can even touch a camera/dark room).
- interesting liberal arts classes (especially for an art school).
- portfolio requirements i could meet right now if i wanted.
stuff not to be as stoked about:
- not as cheap as temple (but then not much is considering i have residency. out of state tuition is only a grand cheaper than the school im looking at, but with in state tuition its like eight grand less).
- would have to leave philly.
im definitely going to set up an appointment to take a tour of the facilities since im hitting the road the weekend of the 18th. this is still very much up in the air as of right now and the decision of leaving philly would be a tough one to make. though if i did decide to leave it probably wouldnt be for a while and i would take a class at temple in the mean time to ease back into going to school (something i should do regardless of where i plan on enrolling). yeah. nervous/excited.