what day is it?

Aug 17, 2006 12:38

Oh, God. This morning was pain.

So, there's still the issue of me being the sole student working in the place. So all sort of little eccentric jobs are my responsibility along with all the shit that needs to get done in Tech Services.

Like picking up lunches for the Head of ISR's little meetings. So walked all the way to commons in sticky weather. After asking three people, and waiting a few good minutes for one of them to become unbusy enough to ask, I was finally told where the lunches were. Walked back. had to grab some stuff then go up to the Circulation desk so the staff there can have their mid-morning break. Except the library secretary came back and said that they were one lunch short. I HAD TO GO BACK.

That finally accomplished, back at circulation having a jolly good time trying to sort out the new books onto our shelving carts. Carts I know sooner or later I'm going to have to be shelving. And I do mean me. All me. only worker, remember?

Then next week we're open later, and there will be more traffic with the new students, and I may barely be in Tech Services.

My feet hurt. I'm grumpy as fuck. Didn't go to bed soon enough.

*big fucking sigh*

But, maybe I need to accentuate the positive.

-My journeys to commons had me pass the Class of 2006 gift bench. Our bricks are finally there! And my name is spelled correctly!
-Digital Camera arrived! Called mom to make sure she bought me chips when they go grocery shopping, sez package came for me.
-JEN TOMORROW! I get Jen for a weekend. It'll be fun and full of fangirl. (SG1 episode 200! whee!)
-The Lent episode of Father Ted, "Cigarettes and Alcohol and Rollerblading". Fucking funniest thing I've seen all month.


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