Went to the dentist. My suspiscions were confirmed and I have lost a filling. Crap work if you ask me. Not going to get that fixed until late April :P Dentist was really behind, too. Got there and the nurse said I may as well come back in half an hour. So I did. Got my teeth cleaned by a very chatting nurse (which really, makes no sense for dentists), then waited a looong time for the actual Dentist to come by and give me the final look over. Waited...then waited some more...wrote pr0n in my head, waited some more. Finally nurse came back and told me to go and he can give me the once over when I get my filling.
My federal refund finally came through. So to treat myself I got an MP3 player. Rather cheap, and holds under a Gig, but really I'm good with that. It's better than having a skipping CD player in your pocket.
Went home and put a sign on my Mom's newly acquired fish: "This is where there fish lives"
Then there was sci fi Friday.
Despite all my wariness when a S9 of SG1 was announced, I really LOVED this season! It's so refreshing after S8 which was over all fairly lame. I love Cameron, I loved most of the stories, and there was no...weirdness between any of the characters. All members of SG1 are on equal levels and the dynamics are fun. I like Sam being able to snark more. I like Daniel carrying a P90. I love having a season finale that wasn't written as a series finale. I am very excited to see what S10 will bring. Especially since there will be full-time Vala. Mmm...
I am just caring for Atlantis less and less. Everyone except Teyla, Ronon, and Zelenka are a bit heinous. Despite what other people seem to think, I really feel the writers care more about SG1 and give them more of the really good stories. Atlantis is just so...meh. I think the writesrs are just stretched a bit thin and all they can do for SGA is rip-off SG1. I'm a little nervous of how bringing Sam and Daniel on the show is going to go down. I just can't imagine them getting along with any of these people. Sam and Rodney will still their affectionate snarking, and that'll be good. But otherwise...well, at least technically Daniel's worked with most people on Atlantis before when he was working in Anarctica , so maybe that will help him hate them all less. *thinks* No. If he's aware of the whole Michael thing he would probably rather lock Weir away. After all, just because they're green and they suck life from people doesn't mean they don't have rights! Oh, and also maybe Daniel can tell them to stop being all obsessed with Ascension, for yea it sucks verily.
"Downloaded" and "Lay Down Your Burdens II" have redeemed S2 of BSG since "Home". The character interactions have been annoying the hell out of me. TOO MUCH ANGST! AAAAAAARGH!!!! I do like the idea that the writers have pressed the "reset" button. It needs a do-over. Still very convinced that everyone was jumping the gun at claiming BSG "BEST SCI-FI SHOW EVAH!!!" It really annoyed me they were making that claim for 13 episodes. Like the Ameriquest commercials say, "Don't judge too quickly." The Longevity of series like Doctor Who and Stargate: SG1 really shows where unwavering quality lies. NOt that it was ALL amazing (i.e. SG1 S8), but we've taken the bad with the good and are the better for it.
So yeah. Break almost over. Am very sad. Could have done with an other week. *sad*