ahh...Wisconsin Weather

Nov 28, 2005 02:47

Friday we got snow, lots of lovely snow.

Now for the past two nights in a row: Thunderstorms!

I am very entertained by it all.

now fandom things:

Apparently all the PotC slash has disappeared from the internet, save what can be poked through on LJ communties. This is very sad since the PotC2 trailer has put me back in a mind for some Sparrington. Oh woe! Where has all my hot naval-officer-on-scrubby-pirate action?

speaking of homosexuals; Have been indulging in that wonderful "Q.I." show Stephen Fry hosts. Makes a wonderful balance then of watching lots of that along with watching House, and then watching any A Bit of Fry and Laurie or Jeeves and Wooster that I feel compelled to watch. Ooh, and also just tonight listened to a few episodes of "Saturday Night Fry".

Damn, Stephen Fry really needs to be on an Episode of House. *wants it like bad*

Ah! Also, deciding to recreate best I could Bertie's flat for my Jeeves and Bertie Sims, have come to realize I have no idea where Jeevs is suppose to sleep (if it's not Bertie's bed *ahem*). This leads to the creepy conclusion that Jeeves does not sleep at all. He just stays up all night reading Spinoza and plotting the many ways to keep Bertie away from women and for everyone to hate Bertie so he can keep young Bertram for himself. Jeeves is eville I tell you! and he drugs people! meep!

Right, how about that bed thing so I'm not a bear for the Monday after break?

house, multifandom, pirates

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