Aug 17, 2005 12:30
Today we had a Space Consultant in. Don't know what he said, since little ol' peon me was barred from the meetings omg! (actually, they just stole my chair for the meeting and couldn't get to my computer so I made little temples out of empty video cases instead). Let me say for the record that anybody that has the title "Consultant" deserves low opinion. Except for "Creative Consultants" on TV shows. I find that more amusing than bothersome.
So a Space Consultant is apparently some guy who comes in and tells you whether or not you're using the space you have adequately and to its best advantage. Then he takes $100 dollars from you and leaves, ne'er to be heard from again. WTF is that? It's like last year when the school hired a consultant to tell them how to make the webpage look. He gets big bucks, and we have a craptastic site.
What exactly qualifies you to be a Space Consultant anyway? Can you just imagine trying to chat someone up: "You know baby...I'm a Space Consultant *wink*"
"Oooh, does that mean you work for NASA?"
See, just doesn't go well.
Anyway. Called me bank (actually the credit union, since they rock more than banks) to ask WTF was going on with me not being able to buy shit online. Well apparently they're doing their own system revamp that's to help protect us from fraud. That's all very well and good, but I want to buy my fucking Text books, bitches! She said it should be done in the next two weeks. But but...that's when school starts! *crizes*
Ah well, Anna had a decent idea that should still allow me to buy books online.
Humph. I really wanted to buy other shit online too before school starts.
general world bs,