had a frappucino this morning. Seems not to be working as well as I hoped. Though maybe it's because BOOKPLATES!!!! have once again zapped all life force out of me. Swear to God if I have to type up one more of those bastards I'll murder somebody. Possibly Joel, since the majority of recent book plate related things have come from him.
This afternoon must find ways to keep Jarrod away from me, or at least prevent attempts of conversation. I have a plan divised that should work. And in the end stand-offishness is useful.
Had a dream last night that I visited Beth and Hunter. At some point during dinner I made some sort of comment about Hunter's manhood, and he got all defensive and paranoid. *nostalgic sigh* Just like the old days.
I miss people.
cruelest_month should come up and spend happy time with me at least. dammit.