Apr 01, 2012 22:13
With a surprising lack of asshole kids running around being obnoxious. They're probably saving that for me on Tuesday night. Curse you, Spring Break!
Still exhausting, though. And neither night before had uninterrupted sleep. Was woken in the wee Saturday morning hours by mouse scratching, and this early early morning we had a thunderstorm which was loud enough to wake me.
near closing, I was wandering through the stacks, approaching people still browsing or at catalog computers and asking if they needed help finding anything before we closed. One pre-teen or possibly teen girl told me no, she was fine. But I couldn't help glancing at the computer screen and seeing that she clearly did a search for "Dark Shadows."
Poor thing. Went and saw Hunger Games and got the Burton trailer before it, didn't she? Honey, anything we have is nothing like what that trailer is like. And I wish I could've actually said it. If I had the time, or don't feel I should ever try and dissuade a patron from reading/watching something. It's definitely not my place. That's why I hope my smile is never too sickly or that my eye doesn't twitch too much when someone wants help finding the Twilight books.