And then

Sep 22, 2011 15:17

My alarm was mysteriously set for noon... So thank goodness for mother coming home for lunch, otherwised I would have been screwed.

I don't know how it happened. I never set my alarm that late. in fact, it's usually set for 9:00 a.m. whether or not I actually get up at that time. And my alarm was turned on... It was just set for noon! WTF? I think it resets to that if there was a power-outage, but there haven't been any to my knowledge and even if there were, the clock would have reset, too.

So, I dunno....

The universe is fucking with me today. Gee, thanks.

Well, only on desk for another 45 minutes, have a meeting at 4:00. So at leasts there's that and the weather is pleasantly autumnal.


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