Stargate SG1 Rewatch Post #12: Season 3, episodes 1-4

Aug 15, 2011 21:00

Hathor returns, cultists, Jack sucks at diplomacy, and Daniel goes crazy:

Into the Fire
oh, and Col Makepeace and Sgt Davis are here, too. meh.

I forgot what a whiny little bitch Major Fucking Davis is in this episode.

Hathor asks, "Do you not remember the joys we once shared in one another's arms?"
"I really try not to," Daniel says, not looking at her.
*shudder* Fuck you Hathor. Like anyone here, viewers included, wanted to be reminded of your rape-iness.

Ooooh, that's right, Nina Jarvis from The 4400 is actually the Tok'ra spy! yay!

Yay! Bra'tac. Oh, Bra'tac, how often do prepare to or expect to die? You'll outlive us all you BAMF.

Nooo! Jack's been snaked! Sam flinches, but Daniel is still clearly off in lala land, like brain can't handle any of this.... *hugs*

They brought extra cammo for Sam and Daniel?

Okay, first moment of Makepeace coming off as a bit of a dick: ready to let Jack be a "casualty of war."

These manned turret towers are kinda nifty. Don't think we see these again, do we?

Convenient Tok'ra tunnels!

So, Daniel's injured, doesn't have his glasses....let's give him a gun!

Teal'c! Time to preach the word! He has been to the mountaintop!

Surprise!General Hammond on Chulack! Man, Hammond and Bra'tac have an awesome old man bromance going on, don't they?

Yes! Jack's okay, un-snaked and Ding-dong the bitch is dead!

Cuddle times with Carter.

Oh yeah. C4! C4 solves everything! It's like Jack's duct tape.

Hammonds "YEE-HAW!" Makes my face go like dis: :D

Also big happy face at the end when Jack ruffles Daniel's new short hair! *flails around*

Catchphrase/Cliche Watch:
Kree x7
DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN, look at these sexy bitches. Daniel's got his haircut, Jack's all grey, everyone in blue BDUs which look fantastic on them. Season 3 is definitely the season SG1 brings sexy back.

I love my geeks! Daniel says "That's fascinating." And Sam's like "I NO RITE? OMG HOLOGRAM!" and Daniel's "Er...uhm, actually I was talking about the family-tree like thing its a hologram of..."

Oh man, that picture of Daniel on a fucking camel kills me. And I won't ever stop wondering when exactly that picture of Sha're was taken. You did a Boolean search Daniel for your research? This is 1999 speak for you Googled it. Great to know you're serious about your work.

Jaffa jokes! Poor Setesh Jaffa. It's okay Teal'c, I thought it was funny, even if Daniel's all "Sweet coffee take me away from this!"

Meh, boring cliche dad who shall bond with Jacob for he too has an estranged son!

ATF! And since no government agency can get along with another, we shall have snark and bitching and have our heroes look cool while the other ppl fuck-up.

I love how the president is always on SG1's side. Always has time for them.

For some reason, RDA is sounding especially Midwestern this episode.

"So help me if I wake up and I'm singing soprano." LUV U JACK

I soooo don't care about boring dad guy with parallels with Jacob.

Seth is such a lame Goa'uld.

Suddenly the music went plucky. I don't know why.


Why is boring dad guy allowed among the federal base camp? He can just wandering in the same tent as Jacob and Teal'c as they observe the op?

Whoa Sam, you really ribboned his ass didn't you?

And Jacob reunites with his estranged son and we all live happily ever after. I would have liked to have seen or heard more about Mark and his kids.

Catchphrase/Cliche Watch:
"Sweet." x2
A Daniel and his coffee is rarely parted
Fair Game

Sam's promotion! Yay! She's now the very model of a modern Major.

THOR! Kidnappin' your colonels to be his alien love slaves. Jack is in his dress blues... Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.

O'Neill is Thor's choice. Even, as Jack wisely points out, when it comes to negotiations and representing all the peoples of earth...we're better off with Daniel. But Thor is blinded by love. *sigh*

Daniel's using powerpoint now!

Let the Yu jokes begin!

*snort* Cronus has some mad 80s hair band thing going on. Nirrti has some awesome bling. Then there's Yu. Hi Yu! I've missed Yu :(

There's no subtitles on these early discs, so I'm watching it with the closed-captioning on, just to make sure I don't miss things. But My God, the spelling of non-English words, not to mention race names and the spelling of Goa'uld names is atrocious. I'm having to constantly double-check the omnipedia at just to make sure I'm getting the spellings right.

OOoh, Teal'c's getting his Jaffa Revenge Thing going on. Tastey.

"Apparently we said 'Hello,' insulted each other and broke for recess." I'll say it again: LUV U JACK

"We have an enemy in the home galaxy that is far worse than the Goa'uld." Oooh, first allusion to Replicators. Gee, I sure hope they don't overuse them!

Cool, and Asgard cellphone...rock...thing.

I love scenes with Thor and Daniel. How you like talking to yourself, Michael?

Ahaha, Jack's tie is clip-on. Am so not surprised. Oh God, though, now he's in his dress blues, but with an open collar and ovaries cannot take much more. nnnnnnnnngh

I love it when Thor gives Jack that rather Daniel-esque squint of disapproval when Jack says something dumb.

Nirrti, you're a sneaky bitch. I kinda like you for it.

Catchphrase/Cliche Watch:
Kree x3
"For cryin' out loud!"
Ew icky corpses- I SAW THAT ONE BLINK!

Wet, freshly-showered, Danny. Verrrry nice.

Sam's hair seems a little shorter this episode. I like that, too.

Oh, Danny, you're just take a trip to crazy town. Kinda like dying, you'll get used to it.

Say, who put this event horizon of a wormhole in my cupboard?

Oh good lord, if I woke up in infirmary the first thing I would not want to see is Jack there, fiddling with an IV bag.

Boys, stop talking about your closets. teehee.

Dr. McKenzie! Butt-Monkey!

I love RDA's eyebrow quirks.

Eeeeew. Okay. I'll admit. Things crawling under ppl's skin is squicky. Like the scarabs in The Mummy? Or here, little bug crawling under Daniel's face! Iiiiiiick. Although, I do like the detail of it bumping Daniel's glasses a little.

Waaaaah, the worst part of the scene of visiting Daniel in his padded room? Hhow Sam is on the verge of tears the whole time. I don't like it when Sam is sad, because then I get sad. D: Don't care about Daniel crying. Daniel cries all the time...

And Machello gets to make an impact, the wily old bastard. Even in death, causing SG1 problems.

Shanks does the scene of sane-but-drugged-up Daniel really well. Although er...why does his meds make him erhm..limp-wristed? Heh.

Nooooes! Now everyone's got the crazy bugs! Ew, more under-the-skin crawly effects.

Oh, Sam, Jolinar has been really damn handy. Love how she's immune to so much stuff.

Woohoo! Janet starts stripping!

Okay, the music is trying to make this long-ass sequence of Sam separating her blood exciting, but it just ain't.

Keeping track series totals:
"Kree!" 22
"For cryin' out loud!" 19

sg1, stargate, sg1 rewatch

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