Jul 09, 2011 19:12
Oh man, don't know why I thought thoroughly cleaning out my car today would be such a good idea. Completely exhausted myself doing that. Add being my blarghest period day, I'm quite tired, grumpy and sore. Then mother wanted me to go clothes shopping with her! Ha! Only if she wanted a whiny bitch with her.
worked a little on Tron plushy. Not going very well. Completely fucked-up the light disc. Will give another go later. For now, fuck it.
Currently watching a movie called Contagion. General plot: President Bruce Boxleitner has been infected by a new deadly strain of Ebola by Irish terrorist Jeffrey Combs. I least I think he's suppose be to Irish. Took me a little bit to figure out what was going on with his voice... Jeff, baby, don't do accents. Just, no. So far movie is a little boring but not as incredibly stupid as the last Jeffrey Combs movie I bought, Brutal (sorry, April). The little boy needs to die though. So annoying. I'm sure he'll have to die for our OMG SADDEST THING THAT EVER SAD moment.