Feb 26, 2010 23:07
NCIS was in rerun again. No Chuck 'cuz Olympics. No new Project Runway, and now I discovered no new Q.I.! WAAAH!
That means the only show with a new ep I watched this week was Lost. That's lame.
Even lamer was me watching the Smallville "movie": "Absolute Justice." ....First episode ever of this series I have watched. Why? BECAUSE MICHAEL SHANKS IS HAWTNESS! And I will watch any ol' crap if it means pretty blue eyes, long lashes, and pretty pink lips. Even better if bare arms are involved. So anyway...Smallville. I can't believe this show is still on. I wasn't interested when it was all the fandom and slash rage. Does it still have a fandom? If so, I can't imagine why. All the characters are fairly unlikable. And for never seeing a previous episode? The little twist at the end? SO PREDICTABLE. Shanks' growly superhero voice was lulz. Not Christian Bale Batman lulz, but still lulz.
Also to make up for lack of TV there has been Hammer Horror Frankenstein movies! So Peter Cushing-licious. He's so damn fanciable as the not-so-good Baron. I like Frankenstein being something of a bastard and not say...a wuss. The Hammer films are extremely strange and have nothing to do with anything when it comes to the source material. But damn are they entertaining. And if there's not copious amounts of cleavage it's not true Hammer.
So for all my Cushing-lust lately. Why is it I had a dream last night where I was being seduced by Christopher Lee's Dracula?
Weekend of work. Better go to bed. Boo.
can't fight the television