Stargate SG1 Rewatch Post #7: Season 2, Episodes1-4

May 09, 2009 00:12

Two of these episodes were written about while watching them, the other two were written after, based off quick notes. I bet you can tell which are which.

The Serpent's Lair
This one episode alone has more great dialog than all of season 1 combined.

As the new season begins our heroes are preparing to blow themselves and Goa'uld ship they're on up in order to save Earth. "I suppose now is the time I say something profound," Jack says. "Nothing comes to mind. Let's do it." WIN

Carter's a biter.

Given how many times Jack talks about this being a "bad day" we might as well have named this episode "Jack O'Neill and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day."

Apophis, I think it's the gold lipstick that sends it over the top.

"Goa'uld Busters"? Samuels, you're not allowed to name anything anymore. It's like Shepwhore naming things. Not cute. Stupid.

Bra'tac's here to save the day! And punch O'Neill in the face!

We have shuttles! And omg Jack and Daniel doing the unison talking!

Bra'tac: "These...'shuttles' they are a formidable craft?"

It really amazes me how often Bra'tac talks about willing to die, and later the understanding that he is old and will not last longer....and he's outlived younger men in this show.

Your Goa'uld Buster failed. For you are the lames and they have force fields, duh!

I DIE FREE! (Die Free or Live Hard?)

Yeah, leaving Daniel alone in the corridor to watch your back is totally not going to end bad.
Oh fuck. Mortally wounded Daniel and Jack's all "I won't leave you!" but Daniel's all "we're going to blowup on the other ship anyway, what difference does it make? Go!" and I got a touch teary-eyed. The fuck? It's not like I don't know everything's going to be okay, but OH THE MEANINGFUL LOOKS AND JACK TOUCHES DANIELS FACE AND OMG THEIR LOVE

That's why Bra'tac can't die. HE IS MADE OF AWESOMECAKES."I have spent 133 years worshiping false gods. No more!" *Blasts Apophis' control panel* Fuck yeah. He's large and in charge, emasculating Jack at every turn.

Great dialog:
"I think the question the Captain is asking is 'What now?'"

"Now we die."

"Well that's a bad plan."

Daniel's second ride in a sarcophagus already. No wonder he becomes a junkie so easily later.

Huzzah for last minute escapes.

"This wasn't such a bad day after all." *sniff*

You know what Michael Shanks imitates really well from Spader in the movie? Cocking his head to the side and staring blankly. I did notice it a few times in the previous season. Like when he's heard something he can't quite wrap his head around, like bad news. It's how he looked at Earth in the final shot of season 1. It's how he's looking when Hammond said the ship the rest of SG1 was on blew up.

Bra'tac: "We die well, Teal'c."
Teal'c: "More than that, old friend. We die free."
Jack: "Or not..."


Yay! They saved the world! It's amazing now, but it's gonna get old pretty soon.

"Hammond of Texas." aaaaw, manly warrior master/apprentice bonds! <3

The clincher to jack's good day: Daniel is alive and he's his little Spacemonkey! "Spacemonkey! Yeah!" and hugs and shoulder nuzzles and hair touching and THEIR LOVE OMG
In the Line of Duty

Oh yay, introduced to the concept of the Tok'ra. Another race of alien fuckheads. And Jolinar is a great example of all that. She is such a bitch! It's because of her that village was being wiped-out. Despite their code of not taking a host without consent, went and violated Sam anyway. She scares Cassie, tries baiting Daniel with the Sha're Card. Not to mention that crap impression of Sam, making her all pleading and "No, Jack! PLEASE!" Um, whatever Jolinar. You suck. And the real kicker is how all the other deaths and suffering, even her own...could've been spared if Jolinar just FUCKING TOLD THE SGC WHAT WASS GOING ON FROM THE BEGINNING! Fucking Tok'ra. ARGH

Okay, moving on. Hooray for seeing Cassie again. Weird that she'll talk to Jack and not her own adopted mom. But awww at the end when she's on Jack's knew and Daniel kneels down to talk to her and it's just YAY Cassie and her two daddies!

Hammond says they have 3 new teams! SG10-12! We're one away from SG-13 which was the team from "Heroes" and lead by Col Dixon (Adam Baldwin). Cool.

Been seeing a lot of this female 'gate technician. Does she ever have a name? How long does she last? Where's Walter anyway?

Great ending bit with Daniel taken hostage. As much as I do like that he'll butch-up a bit later on, I do also enjoy these Daniel in Distress moments.

Ending scene with sad, traumatized Sam. Makes me all :( again. But Daniel brought her flowers and was totally kawaii.


Hmm, disembodied voices giving judgment as our heroes stand in a spotlight... Was someone watching Red Dwarf's "Justice" while writing this?

Um...not an overall important episode or really that good. More Daniel in Distress, but saved by Linea because she was all "If I find a way to make myself younger I'd totally tap that."

Speaking of Daniel getting tapped, Jack tells Daniel to take his glasses off because he shouldn't display any "signs of weakness" in prison. Translation: OMG WE DON'T WANT YOU GETTING RAPED AGAIN! Not that Daniel really tries to not look weak. He does the self-hugging thing a lot here.

Speaking of Jack, he says he's been in prison before. I think fandom decided it was part of the whole POW thing. But his knowledge of how prisons work seems to be more in the domestic incarceration way.

Anyway, more of the great fun dialog. Instead of transcribing, I'm going to clip it!

Not that season one was without a few good humourus one-liners, but it was just like "Oh, our plucky heroes!" Among the SRZBZNSS. But already we're seeing that the wittiness is become part of the characters and being about who they are. It's character revealing, not just going "zing!"

Catchphrase Watch:
"For cryin' out loud!"
The Gamekeeper


Yay Kawalsky!

AHAHA Teal'c's hair! Yeah, Time Machine wouldn't give Teal'c hair and erase his Apophis symbol.

Mmm...the Cold War. Good ol Days.

Poor Teal'c and Sam, caught up Jack and Daniel's angst fests.

Sam looks so cute in her 70s clothes.

Man, Daniel parents are rather stupid. The Jackson family has no sense of self-preservation does it? The actors DO look like with their genes combined they could have parented Michael Shanks. Good casting job!

Speaking of great casting: Dwight Schultz! YAAAAY! And a hat so amazing it belongs in an Old Skool Doctor Who episode.

This place is really fucked up. Our entertainment is watching you emotionally suffer until you can figure how to save the people you care about! LOL

Wow, he really seems like a 10 year old when he pleads with them to come out from the display. You'd think Event Daniel would Want to Change would be saving Sha're. At the same time I guess we can't have every episode for Daniel revolve around that. It'd be like Jack's scenario being about saving Charlie. CHANGE THE FUCKING RECORD! and they did. So why am I complaining? I guess I'm not.

uh oh Hammond played the Charlie card. Must not be real.

Jack and Daniel talking in unison! "It's real." I think this needs to become a new cliche watch.

That one Resident chick looks familiar. Isn't that the actress who comes back in season 6 as one of the ambassador's from Jonas' planet? *checks imdb* Yup!

Catchphrase Watch:
"You betcha!"

Keeping Track Series Totals:
For Cryin' Out Loud: 16
Jack/Daniel Synchronized Speaking: 2
You betcha! 1

sg1, sg1 rewatch

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