Agh? That's really the time?
Comment to this entry and I'll pick up to three of your fandoms. You must then update your journal and answer the following questions:
01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?
02: Do you think that you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
snowgrouse-Doctor Who
01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?
With a lot of things I'm into now, it was one of those things I was aware of for a long time, but hadn't gotten around to checking out. It was British and it was Sci-Fi, my two favorite things! The only means I had to see it was a handful of VHSes at the video rental. What year was it? I was in college....I'm thinking 2003? I started out with "Priate Planet" because Four was the most recognizable and it was written by Dougals Adams, and I was already a fan of Hitchhiker's Guide. It was cheesy and wonderful! The sets and effects were dodgy, BUT HE HAD A LASER SHOOTING ROBOT DOG! And there was an evil robot pirate! And I'm sure one of the other ones I picked up early on featured Ainley!Master and I immediately fell in love with his campy evil! I was kickin' my feet in girlish glee at the sight of him. It was fun, it was ridiculous, there was a lot of it to delve into, and just YAY!
02: Do you think that you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
Fandoms ebb and flow with me. There'll be times it's the most important thing on my plate, then it'll kinda fall to background for a bit, but then it comes back in full force. With NuWho, especially the last really ebbed with me there. I'm hoping with the new administration I can get back in the flow.
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
Hmm...Lemme choose an episode per Doctor.
One: The Time Meddler
Two: The Mind Robber
Three: Terror of the Autons
Four: City of Death
Five: Mawdryn Undead
Six: Mark of the Rani
Seven: Battlefield
Eight: Here I'll go with a Big Finish Audio, "Neverland"
Nine: Empty Child/Doctor Dances
Ten: Utopia
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
I discovered early on, and gladly so, that I have managed to find a certain niche in the fandom that fits with my sense of what Doctor Who is. I don't really interact with the fandom as a whole, but more of that handful of people who I can have intelligent discussion with. But yes, I have done all sorts of things for DW. Most importantly fics and vids. Some of my early Doctor Who fic...oooh, I rather not discuss it.
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
I think we have enough....
-Life on Mars
01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?
2006. Spring. My Senior year in college. AND MY FLIST JUST WOULDN'T FUCKING SHUT-UP ABOUT IT! I was like seeing icons everywhere of these two dudes. And it was like some kind of time travel series, and they're gay? I was being exposed to it so much that I even had a dream with Sam and Gene in it without even actually knowing their names or what the show was really about. After that, I went to my roommate who I new had made some copies of it but hadn't gotten around to watching it herself. Well, she was working on her MASSIVE PAPER and I was bored. So I stuck it in my computer and gave it a go. I ended up pausing it a lot, running into
jenavira's room and going "OMG THIS TOTALLY JUST HAPPENED AND WTF THIS SHOW!" By episode two it was all "OMG THEY HAD THIS FIGHT AND AFTER IT WAS TOTALLY POST-COITAL!" And yeah, it was just some of the most totally fucking cool television I had seen, and I was just obsessed, listened to the music all the time for the rest of the semester, and kept thinking about it and Sam and Gene's love, and AWESOME.
02: Do you think that you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
Uhm...ebb and flow again. I'm not active in it anymore, I don't even read new fic. But I'm still definitely interested in it. I think it'll help when the DVDs come out here later this summer.
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
Series 2 episode 2 is all-time favorite. We get race issues, lovely Sam/Gene moments. Important things about Gene's world-view, the heartbreak of discovering his father figure's bent. I just think everything about it is perfect. And the last scene in the pub! THEIR LOVE!
From series 1 I quite like episodes 2 and 4. 1x04 does have all that boring Joni stuff in the middle, but everything else is great.
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
In my LoM heydays, oh, I was there. My greatest contribution is definitely The Slasher's Guide. I made three vids, all of which have done well for themselves. My fics never made any splashes, but I've written a good handful of them, even for ficathons, which I usually never do. I loved making icons and desktops. And I just went whole hog with this thing. Oh, can't forget I've also done a fanmix.
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
I will pimp this show to the end of time. DAMN good Telly, and the fandom has been rather lovely. I believe I have run into one flamewar? But we've been very accepting of any and all pairings. Sam/Gene may dominate, but all kinds have certainly been welcome. We love to squee over here, and don't go harshing our squee, k?
-The Professionals
01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?
Just like with Doctor Who, I've been aware of its existence. I don't think you can take two steps among the Brit-TV and slash communities without coming across The Professionals. I even remembered when
jenavira was working on that aforementioned MASSIVE PAPER in college, she was using Textual Poachers as a source and would show me the fanarts from it. But I think Life on Mars helped me realise I don't have to avoid buddy-cop shows forever. And even though I had tried a couple times to find it d/l, I didn't actually find decent torrents until recently. And seeing as I had an opening for a new fandom, and it was on again over at
crack_van, oh and discovering it was made by the best The Avengers guys...yeah, totally worth checking out. Aaaaand I liked it. Definitely not amazing, but its fun, the on-screen chemistry is fabulous and entertaining. And Doyle wears really really tight jeans.
02: Do you think that you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
I'm not really in the fandom, per se? I've read several fics now, and things just haven't quite been to my taste. I think I'll enjoy sharing it with friends, but not going beyond that.
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
"Mixed Doubles"! I love it more with every viewing. Two sets of gay couples! Bodie and Doyle are just adorable during their training (And look haaaawt), and they get a nice Meaningful Conversation about Life, the Universe and Everything. Even the assassin couple is cute and get to have Meaningful Conversations, and working the parallels to the greatest effect. That Nickolas Grace is one of the assassins does not hurt at all. "In the Public Interest" is a close second. Shades of Hot Fuzz really clinched it for me: the extremist policing, the pushing out of "undesirables." OMG an extremely young Stephen Rhea! Bodie and Doyle sharing a room, and later being undercover as members of the Gay Youth Organization. And Cowley to be all pwning. that I'm talking about, I want to watch it.
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
Wrote a couple fics for fun, made some icons myself, but as I said before, to really take it on as a grand fandom and "join in." I don't see that happening.
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
Yes! People who will write fic I will actually like? It's not that the fic that's out there is badly written (a few hilarious sexual metaphors aside). But I haven't found many that really reflects what the show is and who the characters are to me.