Finally forced
cruelest_month to Write and post some Vince and Howard as Time Lords fic.
But since we ever first started talking about the idea and details I've been thinking about writing some stuff along that lines myself. Which I hope she doesn't see as me treading on toes, but rather just a different approach to cool concept. And though I have started writing "How the Doctor met Vince and Howard" bit. I have also had a separate scene kicking about my head with Ten still being emo even though he is no longer Last of the Time Lords (again).
Featuring Vince, Howard, Ten and Donna.
Vince spent most of his time in the TARDIS closet, running around trying on this and that, odd and ends. He would disappear into the rows of clothes and come out in less than three minutes in an entirely new outfit.
Howard was sat on the floor, legs dangling over the edge of the spiral ramp with a Falatrax Xylophone on his lap. He tentatively touched the mallet (which looked like a round lollie that changed color with each strike) to the keys, confused and delighted at the strange sounds it made.
"They really are children," Donna said, watching them from the doorway, "I keep having this feeling like I want to take their hands and buy them ice creams."
The Doctor tilted his head to one side. "Weeell, I say 'children' but it's comparative really. The way anyone over 30 considers a university student a 'kid.'"
Vince reemerged wearing sparkling black tights, white cowboy boots, and what looked like one of Peri's old tie-off shirts exposing his pale stomach. "Barely passing with Cs and Ds," Donna observed.
The Doctor watched Vince jump from his level of the closet down to where Howard was sitting. He crouched at Howard's side, slipping his hands over his shoulders to tap some keys. Howard swatted his hands away with a smile and chuckle. There was a pulling at the Doctor's hearts. Maybe they didn't seem very bright, especially to the society that shunned them for caring more about music and fashion than math and science. But they were smarter than any of them, smarter than the Doctor. They left before the shadow of destruction hung over their home planet. They hid themselves from the universe, unknowingly shielding themselves from extinction. And the smartest action yet: making sure they were always together.
Howard finally figured the instrument out enough to start making a passable melody. Vince sat by his side, only humming at first, but then started muttering words, lyrics that the Doctor nor Donna could make out.
"Still, must be nice, yeah? No longer being the last of your kind? Even if they are simple."
The Doctor grinned at her. "Of course! It's what I've always wanted." He couldn't tell her that ever since bringing the couple on board, he never felt more alone.