May 04, 2006 11:11
I keep mistaking today for a Friday. God, I wish it were friday.
Since, I have the mindset of the weekend& it's wonderful laziness, I've decided not to have a life today.
((Basically not having a life is strutting around your house in your pajamas until:: a. the late afternoon when you finally muster up the energy to go out, or, b. the next morning when you wake up))
ps. i dont know where the word muster came from, but; i will have you know, i really enjoyed using it.
ne w su b j ec t!
There are times when I look in the mirror and I can see myself with awesome shoulder-length hair. I know what you're thinking "Gross Rachel, remember the last time you cut your hair and you regretfully had a mullet for a month??!?!"
Yes, I do remember. But this time it wouldn't be like that. I know what I'm doing people, I know what I'm doing.
There countless times when I catch myself gazing into the mirror dreaming about my hair grown out to ridiculous lengths. It would be sort of like a lasso, I would wrap it around tree limbs and swing for miles and miles. I could replace my overheated-outofgas-piece-of-shit-vehicle, I could help the planet by cutting back on fuel.
Except I just decided it would be less like a lasso and more like a spider monkeys' tail, or possibly used how elephants use their trunks. I could write letters, eat peanuts, vacuum. ( either or, I like both equally )
But it's obvious that I'm just joking around here.
I do not want a tail. I do not want a lasso.
I would not use my luscious locks of bronzed hair to save the universe. Nor, would me protesting against the oil industry have any impact on mother earth.
Let us get serious. Let's be real.
I just want long hair.
Next story..reeeeeaaaaaaddddddy GO
Yesterday afternoon I was sprawled out on my family room couch just minding my own business. I was casually flipping through channels during the commercials, you know, seeing if in the last five minutes any shows had magically changed. They hadn't though, I am just impatient. So, I continued watching globe trekkers on channel 69 (they were in france and if you know me, you know i like france). When out of no where, controller NOT in hand... the channels rapidly began switching. Channel 7, 135, 183, 69,64, 61, 60, 44, 42. I tried to stop it, but I couldn't. The red light on the controller was flickering out of control. So I just went with it. For the next half hour I watched murder mysteries on the history channel, paula's home cooking, andy milinakis (whom i haaaaaaaaattttttte), trading spaces, and GLOBE TREKKERS IN FRANCE! You get the picture. I think for someone with adhd, it would have been a dream. I am not sure though. It was kind of annoying.
I am hoping I will now have control over the controller. I think I will continue not having a life by signing off the computer & laying on the couch.
This was awfully random.