Dec 15, 2008 23:57

Damn it.

Insert dramatic teenage post about mistletoe and any sort of kiddy feelings around it.

Rufus, you suck, by the way.

I don't feel any different.

Maybe I do feel bad I used someone to see if I could ease myself out of being so... distant. I can't tell him thanks, he's still a prick, hell if I know what to think of him. Shit, if that wasn't a mistake the first time around, but- What the fuck is his deal, exactly? Damned I am if I really pity him.

I'm nothing but a ball of worn nerves, aren't I? I mean, shit. No one is going to sneak up behind me, no one is going to drag me away, and I'm not going to be hoarded up again. What the fuck, I hate that, but I'm doing it to myself. Why does it still bother me?

Touch, I mean. Yet that wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. Maybe just a little-



Fuck, one of these days, I'm going to punch Bruce.

i love my space, you're the banna king charlie!, no touching, unnatural obsession with space, brb mocking you, to hell with this place, teenage angst and girly feelings, in desperarte need of familiarity, lol denial, my space do not invade it, you are not kalina ann, don't fuck with the loli, aslkdjdsklfsj spaaaaaaaaaaace, starting shit, candy mountain!, this never happend, to hell with you bruce, ew people, lol i top rufus, hi corner, brb internalizing, i'm an antisocial bitch, idk my bff vergil?

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