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dei_irati August 11 2008, 08:08:23 UTC
Perhaps it's part of the genetic makeup of most males.

[Does not seem to get the irony in him saying this]


sevenxsorrows August 11 2008, 08:09:10 UTC
Maybe, maybe not. Or I look older than I should?


dei_irati August 11 2008, 08:17:44 UTC
You look like you could be in your early twenties, at most.


sevenxsorrows August 11 2008, 08:19:16 UTC
Jesus Christ.

Vergil, help.


dei_irati August 11 2008, 08:26:05 UTC
... I really don't think I'm qualified. What kind of help did you have in mind?


sevenxsorrows August 11 2008, 08:28:05 UTC
I feel more comfortable talking to you than anyone, jerk.


Well, I don't know, can I keep something with you? Or maybe I'm overreacting.


dei_irati August 11 2008, 08:32:29 UTC
[Just blinks at this admission]


I'd be willing to. What do you think you might be overreacting to?


sevenxsorrows August 11 2008, 08:38:31 UTC
[GLARE. She means it, what the hell]

I'm an idiot.

I wanted to kill that man who is harming others, because of what he did. I don't think someone really appreciated that reaction, and honestly thought it would be better if barricaded me. I never realized how much I overreacted to touch.

And seriously, I don't look my age? What the hell. I've never felt so ridiculously so insecure in such a long time, it's pathetic. I hunt demons, I'm not supposed to be flipping out if someone makes a pass at me or makes a mistake.



dei_irati August 11 2008, 08:53:19 UTC
[Social skill improvment: negligible]


There's a difference between preferring not to be touched and overreacting to it. I'm afraid I don't have much in the way of helpful advice as to how to control it if you truly are overreacting, though.

... You're a professional. People shouldn't be making passes at you while you work. I've dealt with it before myself, though thankfully not often.


sevenxsorrows August 11 2008, 08:56:33 UTC
[IT'S WORTH A SHOT, VERGIL.] How are you on food?


... I know. I know. How does crying work for you? Because I did.

Well, that's the thing, I never dealt with it before, until I got here.

And hey, there's someone that vaguely reminds me of father I just met.


dei_irati August 11 2008, 09:04:35 UTC
Dante's staying with me right now, so I'm out. Why?


I haven't cried in a long time. I suppose it worked in a fashion the last time I did.

Being here is forcing both of us to deal with things we'd rather not, I think.

Really? Who would that be?


sevenxsorrows August 11 2008, 09:06:53 UTC
I can always give you extra food, I've got nothing better to do.

Isn't crying a non-manly thing for guys? Of course you haven't.

But- this place is confusing. Why are you taking it so well? I'm starting to get jealous of you.

Ah, he's a priest, he almost has the same mannerisms as him?


dei_irati August 11 2008, 09:17:14 UTC
That... would be very helpful.


[Dryly] Generally I'm more concerned with staying alive then with proving my masculinity. Besides, I'm sure you know the lore---that those with demon blood are incapable of crying.

Taking it well? I wouldn't say so. But as little as I like it, Dante is my responsibility, and I can hardly try to control him if I have a breakdown.

Is your father a priest as well?


sevenxsorrows August 11 2008, 09:21:11 UTC
It's up to you, I don't mind the company.

Demonic offspring can't cry? Are you sure that isn't a manly thing? [Totally teasing]

I know, but you're stronger than me. I damn near had a break down with someone trying to haul me off in a closet. You don't give yourself enough credit.

No, he's not even connected to the church, in any shape or form. Mom's always been the religious one, they just .... sound the same.


dei_irati August 11 2008, 17:19:31 UTC
I wouldn't mind a change of scenery.


[Rolls his eyes a little] Fairly sure, yes.

If somebody tried to haul me off into a closet, I doubt I'd react in a healthy, socially acceptable manner either. Unless bloodshed has become acceptable when I wasn't paying attention.

Ah, I see.


sevenxsorrows August 12 2008, 07:56:57 UTC
Well, hey, it's on the house, Vergil, take as much as you like.

[Just laughs, she doesn't laugh that much]

I- yeah. We sorted it out, but now- These things just make you extra nervous.


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