Is it possible that I'm becoming kind?

Mar 12, 2007 15:59

I spent spring break in Panama City, in the home of my cousin Kim. Kim and her husband, Joe, are Nazarene pastors. And very, very good people.

The purpose of me going was to take some of the burden off of Kim, who is with child for the third time (she has two kids of her own and an adopted son). She's about four months in, and just stopped having morning sickness recently. So I spent spring break taking care of a two year old, a three and a half year old, and occasionally a seven year old, cooking, cleaning, and spending time with Kim.

I like doing the unexpected, needless to say.

The bus ride, both ways, was pretty terrible. But that's to be expected.

I got to play guitar with Kim and Joe (Joe plays bass), and learn some praise and worship songs. I also got to finally know Kim, who I've sort of known all my life; the thing is, she's about ten-fifteen years older than I am, so we never had much opportunity to talk in-depth growing up.

So I found out about how she grew up, her time in Seminary, and how she met and married Joe. Since I was the flower girl in her wedding (or rather, one of two flower girls), I was particularly happy to hear this last story. I like her and Joe; they're very good for and to each other.

I also went out for Sushi and Indian food, played in Praise Band with her, helped her play for Sunday morning service. I attended church services. I developed an interest in being part of the Episcopal church, if I can. It'll take time, but I'd like to maybe be a youth group leader.

I also went to the Scottish festival, which was a lot of fun.

I got a taste of my future. Sometimes it happens that my prescience is more feeling-based than vision-based. I got the taste of kids, the taste of work... I felt as if I knew precisely what was going to happen, what I needed to do to get to where I wanted to be. I've resolved to the following:

Voice Lessons (I know, I know, finally)
Learning Piano/music theory (I've got a good start on this)
Lose 40 lbs.

My wrist aches a little from all the playing. My fingers have stopped aching though, which is a good thing.

I was kind to the ex-con sitting next to me on the bus. He was a decent guy, as I discovered as we spoke. I gave him money for food (since he didn't have any cash, being just-released). He studied mythology and Odinism in the federal pen.

I feel better towards the world just now. I'm not sure why.
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