Burn like gasoline, riding all the way down through your jeans...

Sep 18, 2006 11:03

After a weekend of lots of work and not a lot of accomplishments, I have news!

-We have kittens. Sabrina and Misty have arrived at the apartment. We're only fostering them at the moment for adopt a cat, but when the capital arrives, we will likely adopt them outright. Sabrina is the dearest thing-pitch black, scrawny little beast but curious. she loves the computer and the bookshelf.

-I got most of my financial aid back! Holy hell, it was so weird checking my account this morning and seeing that I didn't have under $100, but instead over $1000! And I've got another check from Sallie Mae to deposit this afternoon. I can afford to live.

-Still sick. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me.

-Paycheck comes on the 20th, so next friday I'll have MORE money.

-Still working on the bed situation. Don't really know what I'm going to do about that.

Apart from those exciting and interesting tidbits, I have very little to report. I'm going on constantly tired right now. Working 7-9 hour stretches is no fun. Last night I also walked something like three miles. After working 6 hours.

My legs don't ache as much as I thought they would. I guess the soak in the bathtub helped.
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