Jan 21, 2011 15:33
Here's a normal week in the life of Nik Arnoldi.
Monday through Friday, 6:30am - 3:30pm:
Wake up... or attempt to do so. At least APPEAR awake... coffee will come soon. Get on that bicycle at 7am and ride to work. Work in the morning until noon with ages 3 through 6 in my primary classroom. Take a brief break (if available) and then help for an hour in a different primary classroom. From 2pm until 3:30, fix, update, and maintain the computers around campus.
Monday through Friday, 3:30 - 11pm:
Bike home. Find food (or make dinner plans with pleasant company). Gather canvases that need to be packaged and shipped and bike (halfway back to work) to FedEx. 9pm-ish... change into paint-stained clothing and enter the studio. Paint until sleep hits. Ignore sleep and try to work longer. Allow sleep to finally win and saunter reluctantly to bed.
Friday Evening:
Find something AWESOME to do.
Saturday, noon until 4pm:
Intense work session on graphic novel, "Brothers Nielsen" with Nathan LeMasters. Beers are often included.
Saturday evening:
Work on commissions and/or pieces for upcoming shows. Maybe take a break to watch a movie. POSSIBLY spend time with good company. Get to bed by 1am for the next morning when...
I get up bright and early to catch a ride up to Lookout Mountain church, where I'm working on the biggest mural commission I've ever touched with my brush. This lasts from 8am (ish) til 7pm. Go home and COLLAPSE.
Commence cycle all over again.
As crazy as it sounds, I wouldn't have it any other way.