Most....interesting summer ever.

Aug 12, 2004 07:52

Good morining everyone. welp its thursday the 12 of August and you know what that means!!! don't? oh, well it just means that i start school in 5 days and that theres 2 more weeks, one more day left of work at the pool. Both will be a change that i am veerry much looking forward too. I am ready for school for sure. my brain has just kinda been idol since May and its time to fire the old girl up again and get some mo kick ass grades. i really enjoyed last semister at vc and i think ill do very well this semister as well. im also taking all my classes by myself, which i think is a good thing so i dont have distraction in them and i can just consintrate on my work. Irving might be in my international relations class tho, but i dont think that will be a problem, actually it would kick arouse if he were in it. i got lucky cuz i registered really late but still got all the classes that i wanted so wha-hoo. so yea, ive reeeally been counting the days until work ends this year. now of course it hasn't been all bad, i mean its weird. its been the best...and the worst summer ever. i mean without work, i wouldnt have been able to get to know dani (and eventually fall in love with her) the time i spend with her is amazing..i have never been so happy with someone. but the other time i spend at work just seems to really suck. i dont know why i dislike it so much but i do. theres been tons of problems and shit ive had to deal with just isnt the same as the past years at oxnard. the whole "were a family" vibe that i would get at ohs and no where to be found at rio. i staff is now dwindling and we have no sign ups for classes. im teaching more than ide like to (i really didnt wanna teach at all this year) and rec swim most of the time is either really boring or agravating with a buncha jerk kids who dont listen to a word you say to them. so thankfully it will soon be ending and i will be going back to my old job at ohs (the one where i sit on my ass and update this thingbop or do my homework) but the part that kicks ass about that is ill be getting paid 9 dollars instead of 8 this year cuz they cant lower my pay sooo nine bucks an hour to really do nothing...sweat deal. so im way looking forward to that. so yea thats pritty much whats goin on. lastly i wanna kinda say soory to my friends if they think im not really spending alota time with them cuz my new relationship. im sorry but its just that ive never been in such an intense relationship. i mean my last real relationship was during my jr. year (which was now 3 years ago) so im really just having a blast with it ad trying to enjoy it as much as i can becuase soon i wont be albe to as much because of school and sports and homework and whatnot. but i havent forgoten about you guys at all ok? alright well time to eat and go get another day of work outta the way. take it easy!

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