Name: Robin
Age: 26
Gender: female
Current Occupation: unemployed artist
Likes: weapons, intelligence, sparing, wit, puzzles (both mental and physical), challenges, originality, privacy, quiet, solitude, good art, plays, music, books, movies, video games, languages, long walks, psychology, people who stand up for what they believe in even if its weird and different, genuinely good people, coffee, alcohol, free will
Dislikes: stupidity, ignorance, prejudice and hypocrisy and the people who embody these traits, people who think they're cuter or clever than they actually are, people who think that they're the center of the universe, people who are sheep, people who don't know when to shut up (let's just say most people shall we?), being interrupted, being lied to, being scrutinized, being meddled with or manipulated, being forced to do something (even if it's something I want to do I don't like feeling obligated), loud or irritating noises, crowds, the status quo, indecisiveness, bullies
Strengths: Fairly intelligent, intense, determined, driven (when I'm interested in something, when I'm not I can be pretty directionless), spirited, tenacious, good at figuring out how things work, good at reading people, multi talented (I tend to excel at whatever I put my mind to), creative, original, thoughtful (in that I think), imaginative, deep, complicated (although that may or may not be a good thing), extremely devoted to the people and things that I truly care about, competitive, a total perfectionist (if I'm going to do something it has to be done well or I'll never be happy with it), curious, open-minded, easily entertained, many interests, good listener, pretty adaptable, adventurous (I'll try pretty much anything once), usually calm and detached, polite (superficially at least), strong sense of justice, idealistic streak that I rarely indulge in, I'm logical and although I can be impulsive I tend to think before I do anything too potentially important or life altering, opinionated (even though I often don't bother to share them), I'm honorable in my own way (I keep my promises, I won't work with people who I don't respect, etc.), skillful, I have a pretty good memory, I'm in good physical shape, fast, flexible, striking, good hand/eye coordination
Weaknesses: Cynical, misanthropic, reclusive, taciturn, very bad at teamwork, disinclined to share my feelings (uncommunicative), secretive, private, antisocial, very introverted with occasional wild and unmanageable periods of extroversion, moody, frequently morbid and pessimistic, sometimes very touchy and irritable (although that's fairly rare), I can be fairly vicious and ruthless, high standards, disingenuous (in that I rarely show or say what I'm actually thinking, generally speaking I'll smile and act friendly even if I don't like you and really just want to get rid of you, alternatively I may just ignore you it depends on my mood), reckless and a bit impulsive, given to brooding, cold, disconnected, obsessive to the point that my obsessions tend to take over my life, addictive, inconstant (my interests and my focuses tend to shift around, I have different feelings towards people and the world in general depending on my mood and current obsessions, furthermore I have a tendency to drop things and people flat once I'm finished with/lose interest in them), snarky, sarcastic, stubborn, contrary, perverse, a bit of an anarchist, prone to impulses, disinclined to volunteer my help and support, generally lacking in social skills
Pet Peeves: My number one would probably be entitled people. I think that respect, real respect, has to be earned. I also really don't like being meddled with in any way, I enjoy my privacy, but I think I've already made those points clear. Oh, and I can't stand it when people (including myself) are late. I can also freak out over pretty unimportant things like having to go to the dentist or take a drivers test (still haven't mastered that) or even having to call someone on the phone, but if something genuinely unusual happens I typically remain cool and unmoved. It's a bit strange.
Dreams & Ambitions: My dreams and ambitions are pretty vague, I typically just live day to day. I'd like to make a mark on the world somehow, however. Maybe create some original and inspiring work of art that will be admired and enjoyed for centuries to come. Sometimes I think that I'd like to try to improve the world, but I'm really too much of a cynic to think it's possible to better it that greatly.
Personality in 5 words or less: complicated
Favorite Season: fall
Favorite Element: fire
Mature or Immature: People who don't know me tend to see me as mature. I suppose in a way I am, but I am also a dreamer and there is a certain immaturity inherent in living in dreams
Leader or Follower: Neither, I'm more of a solitary creature. If pressed into a group situation I will follow people only if I respect them, and I will lead if I don't think anyone else is up to the task.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: To be honest pessimistic. I can have a hard time seeing the good in things, and sometimes (not infrequently) I despair of humanity.
Impulsive or Cautious: This is a difficult one. I'm definitely prone to impulses, but I always try to think things through if the decision is an important one. Conversely sometimes there is not time to think and one has to act on impulse. I suppose I am both.
Outgoing or Shy: Neither, I'm certainly not friendly enough to be considered outgoing, but I enjoy taking risks and new experiences. I'm quiet and aloof so people assume I'm shy, but I dislike the word because to me it implies a fear of people that I don't think that I possess. I just prefer not to get involved with them generally speaking.
Hardworking or Laid-back: I'm a perfectionist, when I'm driven to do something I work fiendishly to achieve it, otherwise I'm pretty laid back.
Hyper, Calm, or somewhere in-between: Outwardly usually calm (although I have my moments), but there's usually something brewing away on the inside.
Modest or Bold: Both I suppose. I don't think I'm a coward, I'll step into a situation if I feel it's necessary, but I usually prefer not to and even if I do I certainly don't go around bragging about my achievements. I'm not very good at taking praise anyway.
Lover or Fighter: more of a fighter although there are things that I'm passionate about
You really don't like someone and find them in a heap of trouble. Would you ignore their pleas for help or give a helping hand?: It depends on the nature of the trouble. If they'd die if I didn't help them, I dare say that I would... grudgingly. If it was some other sort of trouble I probably wouldn't involve myself.
When the going gets tough, do you stay your ground by yourself, call for help, or run away?: I stay my ground unless it's clear that I can't win. In that case I run.
Someone just cut in front of you in the store, when you've already been waiting 10 minutes. What do you do?: I glare at them evilly. I probably won't say or do anything (unless they notice me glaring and comment on it), but physically I make my displeasure known and hopefully they notice and at least feel a bit guilty.
FF VERSE; SHIN-RA is throwing a 'We didn't end up ending the World' Party and sent you a pretty invitation. You go to the party and you: (ie. dance, karaoke, sit in the corner, sulk) Probably I wander around snooping on other people's conversations but not really getting involved in any myself. After a while I probably get sick of the crowd and try to find a place to be alone. I'd most likely end up standing in the corner and basically ignoring everyone, and maybe making an occasional snarky comment.
FF VERSE; You're battling with your friends, would you rather be attacking, defending, or supporting? Attacking, definitely.
FF VERSE; One of your friends got hurt really bad. You can continue on your mission - but it would mean leaving your friend behind and taking on the next boss with less power. Do you go back to the start to get your friend healed (rest point) or do you keep going on, and try to make it without him/her? It depends how annoying it would be to go back to the start, how strong the next boss was, and how strong I and the rest of the group were. If I thought that we could make it I'd probably go on, if I didn't I'd go back (assuming of course that continuing without healing my friend would not endanger his/her life because if it did I couldn't in good conscience continue).
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: There's really too much I'd want to change. I guess my people skills. I wish I felt more comfortable being open with others, and there are times that I wish I was more social.
Do you hold onto everything in the past, or do you try to move on and learn from your mistakes?: I like to think that I learn from my mistakes, and as I said earlier I do have a tendency to drop things flat once I'm finished with them. I have a long memory though and I can't say the past is forgotten or that I've entirely moved on. I think that everyone carries their past around with them whether they want to or not. It's just what makes us who we are.
Are there any traits you've witnessed before in someone that you wish you could have?: Yes, the ability to really connect with people is a trait that I am in awe of.
Is there any character that you strongly would disagree with being voted as?: no, I'll take any character who suits.
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