I have to say Shinra, you seem to be most at home when high levels of bureaucracy are involved and power plays are the order of the day. You have someone else to do the dirty work for you but you're not afraid to do it yourself. Also your moral compass is murky at best, you'll fit right in.
While I did see a lot of Shin-Ra, I think you'd fit in best with the Turks. A lot of your answers remind me of what someone in that group might say, such as "I'll take orders. Especially if it gets me a pay rise." "Money" and "authority" from your four appealing words match them quite well. You're not afraid to do dirty work and as tricksterfox said, your moral compass is pretty murky, which I think is pretty essential for being a Turk.
This one's a little hard for me. You like being part of a large corporation with a hierarchy, which screams ShinRa, but at the same time, I feel like your application has a Turks vibe to it (takes orders, works best under pressure, etc.) which is why I vote Turks.
I saw more of the Turks - your application reminded me a lot of them, with the words you bolded as well as your answers. Also, the calm and level-headed way you responded reminded me more of the Turks than Shinra.
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