Yeah, so I am inevitably paying the price for my hubris. All that talk about being fine while everyone else is sick, and look at where I end up - stuck at home with my very own personal virus.
Which is doubly unfortunate, because classes started up again today, and a (suprisingly large) part of me was looking forward to getting back to the learning - new courses, clean slate, and whatnot. That, and I have to revise my course selection a bit, on account of new developments.
Speaking of new developments, I have an interview for a new job at AMS Imaging this Friday - which will be pretty much the same work I do for the government over the summer, except for the twin bonuses of a) better pay, and b) working with the indomitable and pleasantly caustic
Maybe I'll even make enough to take an actual vacation from work this coming summer. One can hope.
I must also direct your attention to the fact that my LJ icon is (in a very uncharacteristic move, resulting from something of a fear of my dubious photogenic qualities) actually a picture of me, resulting from experiments with new gadgetry. It's funny how one always perceives's one's self differently than the results that film displays. I look a little dour, which I think don't I am, normally. I'm surprisingly pale. And I seem to have something of a heroic chin. Make of that what you will.