(no subject)

Jul 12, 2006 19:51

Updating is for losers.

10 random things about me:

1. There is a very large billy goat in my backyard, and it is not mine.

2. I consider the way Matt Good says the word "screaming" in "I Miss New Wave" to be the most beautiful thing ever recorded.

3. I had my faith in God restored by a comic book.

4. My hands are deformed. (The bones in my pinkie and ring fingers are fused together.)

5. I'm four-foot-eleven.

6. I live in a 600 population town.

7. I relate to Euchrid Eucrow a lot more than I want to.

8. I went to Catholic school for six years and the only thing I remember religious-wise is one time the priest's dog stole my Lunchable.

9. I have very strange sleeping hours. Last night I went to bed at 4 a.m. and woke up at 11:30.

10. If I ever went deaf I'd probably blow the back of my head out with a shotgun, because life just ain't worth livin without music.

On THAT perky note:

I have only one year left of sk00l, and for the last few days have been running around going "what if I don't get into any college can't find a job and have to live in a BOX!"

I wish my no-horse town would get bus service into the city, or at least into the next town (population 3,000). I'm tired of walking seven miles every time I need something.

"Sugar" by the Archies has been stuck in my head since I woke up. I've tried drowning it out but after a few minutes it starts up again. "Sugar, doodoodoodoodoodoo, oh honey honey..." ARGH.
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