Fuck - what? - fuck - I can't

Jan 16, 2012 15:15

Reichenbach was so good it made me throw up in my mouth a little. And my face was ravaged by the end because I kept clawing at it (no. Really.).

Andrew Scott was so good. Everybody was so good (LOO BREALEY SKBCJDHCDJCCJH)(and yeah, yeah, Martin Freeman, but don't make me state the obvious) but fuck me, Andrew Scott, you made me so scared of you I nearly peed myself. Also I seriously, SERIOUSLY thought that he and Cumberbatch were going to have some wild sex at some point during that rooftop scene. Precisely after Moriarty says "you are me you are me". They should have filmed their boners, I bet they were epic. "Mmmmmh my acting is soooooo gooooood" "Yes, but did you see mine? Look at my acting baby, aw yeah, look, that's right, I'm owning this scene, say it, SAY IT "

I'm not sure about the story in itself, though, there must be some plot holes here and there and stuff that doesn't make sense, but who the fuck cares I can't even think straight right now

Also, I'm a bit creeped out by my own brain; when John found the first envelope at their doorstep, I immediately thought it was human ashes, and when they talked about the kidnapped children I thought "OH FUCK NO SERIOUSLY THEY WOULDN'T", and then Sherlock found the Grimm Fairy Tales book and I thought "HAAAAA HANSEL AND GRETEL THE OVEN THEY BURNED THE WITCH IN THE OVEN NOOOO IT'S HUMAN ASHES FROM THE CHILDREN'S BURNED BODIES AND JOHN HAS BEEN CARRYING THEM IN HIS POCKET DURING THE WHOLE THING IT'S SO SICK HOW HORRIB-- breadcrumbs? Oh. Okay. Mercury-poisoned sweets? I see. The children are eventually found alive? Well. That's a relief." *cough cough*

Appropriate gif to express my emotions, yada, yada:

(it's funny because the horse falls from a height)(repeatedly)(cos it's a gif)(get it?)

martin freeman is cute as a button, god i'm such a stan, ilu fandom, the frumious cumberbatch, my feelings, squee, sherlock holmes, flailing omg

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