Trufax: gay porn makes your day brighter

Mar 14, 2011 16:44

The adorable, adorable as_i_am  completed our art/fic exchange (NC-17, not safe for work) with awesome lulzy Sherlock/John porn. The prompt I gave her was to write the story behind this other drawing I did (again, NC-17, NSFW). She did an absolutely fantastic job of it, and what I love the most about it is the humour she laced into the fic, because I believe it to be one of the main components of this pairing too (it's not all about the darkness and angst and weird kinks, right?).


I can't begin to tell you how crappy I've felt for the past few days (because of various reasons, but end result was basically my self-esteem getting crushed and my heart smashed to pieces) and this lifted my spirits like nobody's business, drowning my brain in endorphins and putting an utterly idiotic smile on my face.

In short:

At first I was --->

But then I was --->

Thank you, darling, you have no idea how much of a gift this is to me, especially today of all days. ♥ 

martin freeman is cute as a button, the frumious cumberbatch, best flist ever, readings, sherlockxjohn, sherlock holmes, drawingks, reccing

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