Title: The Art of Love and Cooking
sevenswells My betas. I love them:
drgaellon and
guilshad Rating: This chapter will be NC-17! Holla~! Only this part is still R-ish
Fandom/Pairing: Glee, Puck/Kurt
Warnings/Spoilers: Food porn, and then some actual porn after that. No spoilers because it's an AU in which glee club didn't happen.
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BUTHOORAY. Goddd, I love the atmosphere of this story and I usually have like, this massive aversion to OCs (people tend to make them really fucking extreme!), but I looove Puck's misfit brigade, Frédo and Gill especially! I love all of this.
Also you. Forever and ever, amen! I really can't wait to see what happens!
Now I'm going to go be really hungry for a while, sob!
However, never fear, as I said before, I will definitely finish this, because it is very dear to me (plus I looooove writing about food), only I'm extremely sorry that I can't write faster. The next parts will be up in about two weeks time, unfortunately, because of various reasons, but I'll make it worth the wait, I promise!
I usually have like, this massive aversion to OCs (people tend to make them really fucking extreme!), but I looove Puck's misfit brigade, Frédo and Gill especially!
Thank you so much for saying this! I love creating OCs because, well, it's kind of my job, but I'm always a bit unsure as to how readers will take them, especially when there is a fuckton of them like in this fic. ^^
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