On the fic front

Nov 12, 2014 11:09

I didn't write the fics I said I wanted to write, instead I wrote other fics, so I don't want to jinx myself by saying here what I want to write and end up not doing it, but anyway

-Agents of Shield. Specifically, Mack/Fitz. I have a size kink a mile wide and a gigantic buff hot nerd folding a frail little nerd with dewy eyes in half and fucking him roughly up against a wall is an, um. Interesting. Prospect.

-The Mighty Boosh. There are some very good, well-written fics out there, but the smut is kind of disappointing so far. Mostly because when I imagine Vince and Howard "bumming" as they say, I can't really wrap my head around them being completely amazing at it and spot-on on the first try and spectacular orgasms everywhere. It doesn't have to be bad sex necessarily, but I always imagine a lot of talking and comebacks and exasperation, and awkward fumbling and at least some inadequacy because they're both huge useless dorks. But they're ridiculously in love, so it's still sweet, and they end up kind of finding a way to make it work, not without a few chuckles from Vince. Laughter during sex is also a minor kink of mine (yeah, up there with my millions of other kinks).
That's my headcanon anyway; I really need to get around to that, because it's important, somehow.

howardxvince, the mighty boosh, fics in english, agents of shield, mackxfitz, writing

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