Sherlock rec post of doom: fanvids, fanarts, fanmix

Apr 03, 2012 18:04

Previous (mainly fics) rec posts here, here and here FYI

I keep accumulating Sherlock fan stuff I want to rec, and I can never find the time to put up one big post, so I've decided I'll do it bits by bits. Here below is, as it is announced in the title of this post, fanvids, art recs and a fanmix rec.


Season 1 (no spoilers for season 2):

-Remember the name by Dicacitas: badass vid on Fort Minor's song, well edited and catchy
-Sherlock's Science of Seduction by GallifreyanLovers: Sherlock/Doctor Who/Torchwood crossover. OMG this vid. It's like a fic but with moving pictures and music (which is "Strut" by Adam Lambert) and it's brilliant and sexy and funny. It's a bit NSFW but then again you probably shouldn't watch fanvid at your workplace.
-Two Unintelligible Performances by multiKitten: his one made me laugh so hard I think I don't have intestines anymore -- they've decided to go live somewhere quieter.
-Friends by iPWN: Adorable vid on the eponymous song by Flight of the Conchords, you'll never be able to get it out of your head after that.
-Going through the motions by illyria45: Sherlock+Buffy is a delicious mix, and Buffy's song from "Once more with feeling" works really well with John, and it's quite funny too.
-A study in time by di0br: Sherlock/Doctor Who crossover. It's a famous vid for fans of both fandoms, and so exciting and well done that you really wish it were real (despite what Moffat says about how some things better remain in the imagination: obviously he's not seen this).
-Moves like Jagger by devotfeige: Somehow the Maroon 5 song has become something of an hymn for the fandom; this vid is the best I've seen with it, it's very fun and it works really well.

Season 2 (spoilers!)

-My head and my heart by Katrin Depp: the song is No Light No Light by Florence and the Machine which has become the perfect song in the fandom to express all those Reichenbach feels. This vid is absolutely heart-breaking no matter how many times you watch it, but somehow it's also spirit-lifting since it's also a fantastic summary of Sherlock and John's beautiful relationship so far. God I adore this vid.
-Smells like Reichenbach by lotrfan2888: Chilling vid that will give you goosebumps; it's about the whole build-up to Reichenbach, and the song choice (the cover of Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit by the Scala choir) couldn't be more perfect
- I Don't Know by humansrsuperior : yet another superb example of humansrsuperior's incredible editing talents, and that vid has many layers that you will enjoy figuring out when you rewatch it many, many times
-Slipping by OMNJJ134: I can't get over how Moriarty and this song from Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog make such a perfect match. Fantastic editing, and I get chills every time I watch this. Bra-fucking-vo.
-Shell Shocked official trailer by Nyah86Production: Masterpiece, there is no other word, I can't say much more about it, just watch it to the end, your mind will be completely blown and your shit will be lost, I promise you. And then you can re-watch it and marvel at the appropriateness and precision of the quotes and shots shown throughout the vid. Stunning piece, really.


-When We're Partners by equaliteatime: Not exactly a fanvid, more of a meme and a compilation of slash fanarts from the Sherlock fandom, and a perfect homage to the all the fabulous artists we have in there. <3


-I guess most of you already know reapersun's art by now, but just in case you didn't, well, merry christmas! Everything she does is pure gold, and if you like quality Sherlock fanarts, I predict her tumblr will soon become your favourite place on the Internets:
-br0-harry is responsible for some of my favourite Sherlock fanart, check his/her gallery on DA, it's beautiful stuff
-Last but not least, on of my favourite BL authors, Suzuki Tsuta, has become a fan of the show (I always knew her taste was flawless) and has made a few fanarts, you can check them out here: and here:


I'm always eager for more of na_shao 's fanmixes because not only do the songs she chooses are perfectly matched with the show, not only are her covers and photo manips absolutely beautiful, but she also makes me discover some new and really good music too and that is priceless.
So I recommend
I wanna keep you for myself which is a beautiful, nuanced and very complete mix about Sherlock and John's relationship in season 1
What I used to see which will help you, like John, cope with your grief after Reichenbach with emotional but very luminous songs so you won't feel gloomy
And finally my favourite I build a house for your bones, a spot-on study of Moriarty's character and his relationship to Sherlock, the mix is sexy fun, vicious, crazy, scary and somehow exhilarating, in other words, our Jimmy in a nutshell

meretricious, fanvids, sherlock holmes, sherlockxjohn, reccing

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