I'm afraid I'll post a lot of stuff about mah job because I'm very, very satisfied with it these days - I may as well capitalize on the feeling.
Once I wrote here that I worked with magicians. To be more precise, my job is to produce toads so that they can transform them into beautiful princes. I don't always draw storyboards, but when I do, it's always quite astonishing to see the difference between them and how amazing it turns out in the end.
Remember, for the editorial page of Tchô! magazine here was my toad:
So Rachel sent me back this, and it's also what we sent to the editor in chief of the magazine for validation (it's in French, though, sorry) (pour les francophones, sachez que le thème était "les rois de la récré", on s'est amusées à en faire une métaphore filée -- cliquez pour lire):
The editor was very happy, gave us brownie points and green light to proceed.
And it all ended up looking like this (clicky to see biggy):
As for Mytho, Rachel has started to draw the chapter where Chami appears, we're super excited about it (we were also excited about the previous chapters, and the ones to come too, now that I think about it...). This is the one on which I've been working on a really long time, only to board the first 15 pages. Here's the upper part of the first page of my board:
And here's Rachel's work in progress: