Nov 11, 2006 20:35
Once tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends and tag them; no tag backs. This explanation should be included.
1. I am frantically trying to finish all 12 college applications by next Thursday... which is my last day of school before Thanksgiving Break, for which we get an entire week off!!
2. The next day, Friday, I am getting all four wisdom teeth taken out, and can't wait, because teething is extremely painful, and gives me these obnoxious headaches which don't allow me to get anything productive done.
3. As most of my friends can relate, I am ready to be done with high school and just go to college. I wouldn't call it senioritis, as I'm still doing my school work and such, but I'm just ready for the higher level of learning, and the freedom that comes with moving away from home. I'm ready to be dropped in a dorm room, which is probably going to be better than right now, as I'm crammed into a room with both sisters. Mind, you, it might be even tighter in a dorm, but at least it won't be with my sisters!
4 & 5. I'll let you know if I think of some other ones.