24 = booooo

Oct 15, 2008 18:36

Maybeee two weeks ago or something, i tried this diet where you replace real food with shakes, smoothies, soups and bars.

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birthday, diet, rant, family

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luffenius619 October 18 2008, 01:11:06 UTC
that diet can't be healthy. replacing real food with that? if you want to lose weight, you should just eat the right food, but real food. not stuff like that

i'm so sorry your sister was so mean to you :(. you always write about things she, and the rest of your family does to upset you. i've always thought that they look at you as the black sheep in the family, cause it doesn't seem like they love you
i hate getting presents i don't like (doesn't everyone?). i always pretend that i like them, cause i'm scared to upset the person who gave it to me. i'm not saying you're a bad person because you had the guts to say to your brother those headphones were the wrong color. there's absolutely nothing ungrateful about that. i just think that most people THINK it's ungrateful if you say it. but it really isn't. everyone can buy the wrong present by mistake. it's human to make mistakes. and i wish i could do it. maybe that's why your sister got mean. cause you have the guts to say it and she doesn't
who were those blouses from? what did you get from your parents?

there's nothing worse than having a crappy birthday/birthday celebration. i've tried it myself, and it's something i'll never forget. all you want to do that day is have a good time with your loved ones, and just that one day of the year, not getting upset or anything. just happy. so i feel sorry for you *hugs*


sevensleeps October 24 2008, 06:29:07 UTC
woah late reply, sorry -_-;

i've read on the net about people losing weight fast with that diet, thats one of my problems, i have no patience. i want it to happen faaast..but not too fast of course.
some woman lost 30kg, but she weighed 95kg so.... i wanna lose like, 10..maybe.... buuut i dont think i can ever do that ;_;
and eating right is alot harder than it seems. i'm also a vegetarian so its even harder.

i think my father and sister resent me because i dont have a job/bring in any money.
a few weeks ago my dad said all of a sudden that some social workers were coming over to talk to me the next week. i was "O_O whaaaaat???? you better call them and cancel!" and he did but they were trying to ambush me, i had sooo much anxiety i just wanted to run away and hide somewhere ;_;
and, i think, last week i bought some earrings on my sisters account (its like ebay) so they were sent to her place. but she says she wont give them to me until i go talk to social services (or whatever its called) O_o i mean, i get that she wants me to go but...uhh..those are my friggin earrings. so i'm gonna have to buy new ones. you probably think its childish of me but...its soooo hard to take that first step ó_ò and it doesnt make it any easier when ppl try to force me.
i havent talked to my sis since the b-day celebration btw.

i dont want to upset ppl either but its not like i say "OMG YOU SUCK YOU BOUGHT THE WRONG COLOR GO DIIIIE!!!11 DX"...y'know, i was more like "ohhh well it was the right brand and stuff but not really the right color, but you got the right brand ^_^;" cus he asked me if they were the right ones. i just cant lie and say i like something when i dont :/
i do have some problems showing gratitude/happiness but its not like i didnt say 'thank you'.

the clothes were from my dad. but i ordered them from a catalog... i was a liiittle disappointed that he didnt wrap them in. they were just in the plastic see-through bag that came from the catalog.

i knoooow, ONE single day when you're supposed to feel great...and then it just sucks. baaah -_- and thank you *hugsss* ^3^ ♥


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