ze kawaii katze

Jul 30, 2008 15:29

Soooooo on monday, tuesday and today i was catsitting my bros cats ^_^
i wasnt there the entire time tho. well, on monday i was there from 1pm tooooo tuesday around 1pm and then i went home for a few hours, went back around 7pm and stayed until 1pm(again) today... my bros gf was coming home around 4pm so...yeah.

err...dunno if that made sense, maybe this is easier,
monday: was there from 1pm.
tuesday: to 1pm. went back around 7pm.
wednesday: to 1pm.

the reason i went home yesterday was because i slept so bad. i dont like sleeping in other peoples beds so i slept on the couch. and i didnt have a pillow so my neck would hurt and it was hot and blah blah blah... so i didnt get alot of sleep. last night it was a little better... fell asleep after 4am and woke up after 7am, went up and fed the kitties, then watched tv...fell asleep for a little while...
its gonna feel soooooo good to go to bed tonight XD

then i'm going back on saturday after 6pm and have to stay til sunday around noon.

the thing is, the kitties eat different food. Biddy eats baby food obviously (she's only 5 months) and Kyuubi has to eat some special food cus he had some problem with his urine.. urate stone? i dont know the english word for it. but anyway, so they cant have their food bowls out all the time since they might then eat the wrong food.

so you have to feed them at certain times and watch them eat and as soon as they're done put the bowls away.
its so much easier with felix, he has his food out all the time so he just eats whenever he wants.

anyway, enough boring text, have some pix & a vid ^_^

i had seen pix and a video of Biddy and i could see she was small but she is tiiiiny. for some reason she looks kinda bigger in pix... oh well, she's soooo cute, i want to keep her ^3^

i like Kyuubi as well of course, but he's more reserved. he just kinda lies in the corner and looks at you. while Biddy is constantly playing. but she's young so of course everything is extremely amusing XD
i got to play with Kyuubi a few times, but i think i was doing it wrong... he would meow and then i think i'm supposed to throw the thingie(he was playing with) above him so he can jump up and catch it... but then he just looks at me like he's disappointed or something, idk XD complicated kittie.
i'm also a little scared of him cus i dont know him, he has attacked my bro in the past and was just really...vicious. he seems nice now but i dont know what i can and cant do with him.
and i think he really misses my brother :/ yesterday when we came back he was by the door and had his tail up, but when he saw it was us (me and my parents) his tail dropped and he walked away :(
bro will be back in a week tho so hopefully he wont be too depressed.

Biddy bites and has her claws out sometimes when she's playing but she's so young so it doesnt hurt. her fave thing to play with was her tail lol i rememeber Felix doing that too but not as often.
and she's so quiet, i didnt hear her meow once. but as soon as you touch her or sometimes even come near her she starts sounding like a motor XD

i sooooo wish i had had my sisters camera to film with, the phone sucks ass when it comes to videos p-_-
but i still filmed a bunch and then put 'em all into one,

image Click to view

i doubled the speed cus they were almost moving in slow motion... so now it just looks like they're very hyper instead XD ...which Biddy actually is.
and i dunno why but for the first 5 seconds the sound is really loud O_o and it doesnt fade out at the end like it was supposed to...poop.
(and i chose that song cus it was what i was listening to at the time XD)

and i missed Felix so much ^3^

i've always thought he didnt weigh alot, but after lifting Biddy, Felix weighs a ton XD

kitties, felix, cat

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