
Jan 02, 2008 14:57

They arrived! ^_^

oh how i've been waiting. i was just talking to my dad about it yesterday, and then today they're here ^_^

aaand i scanned them,

Type A

Type B

in a RAR file.

also posted the scans to jrock_scans

i want to make a layout with the pix but..its a bit too colorful XD and i suck at making layouts ehe...
but there were some really cute pix in the booklet, like these:


edit: and of course i had to rip the video (altho everyone has it already). DRAMATIC PV
and if anyone wants it in vob:
[1] [2] [3]
hope i did that right ^_^;

mechanical ugly gang, attic, single, jun, scans

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