
Jun 07, 2007 23:33

Its dark at night for such a short time, from about 11pm to 2am... and last night i got really bored and felix wouldnt go to sleep... so i took pix XD

first, a video,

then he got bored with that and jumped down.

he started making noise and wanting attention and i went to the window to take a pic and he followed me,

he sat there for a while, then i went into my room to look for some dress in my box with clothes...and of course,

he had to jump into it. he started cuddling with my clothes and got sleepy O_o

buuut of course he wasnt there for long, i then found him in the toilet,

well not IN the toilet ehe..

theen he wanted to watch movies or something,

and then he got sleepy and went to sleep on the couch.

but as soon as i went in to my room to do something, cus i was out in the livingroom, he woke up,

and everytime i tried to take a pic of him he would move >_<
he would lie still...but then just as i took the pic he did something ...darn kittie.

that pink thing is his tongue cus he started cleaning himself...of course he couldnt do that before i took the pic -_-

Aaand cus im still bored, some old pix:

the shoes dont go well with the rest of the clothes but thats cus i was on a school trip and we had to bike around a friggin island.
so i thought i'll leave the boots at home XD


my hayurr ^_^
those pink hair pix, the first one, my sis did my makeup cus we were bored and had nothing to do XD
and the second one... i was in a bus and apperently really happy? O_o
the only pix of my pink hair i have.


this was when i was sitting outside waiting for the Marilyn Manson concert XD
it was cold... and boring. i sat there for so long, that when i got up i couldnt feel my ass. my legs were pretty numb too so i looked retarted when i walked. XD

probably posted this before...cant remember,

XD i think i improved.

well, thats enough whoring for now.

felix, me

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