Toooday we celebrated my moms b-day ^_^ i had cake ^______^
and since my sister sister, she bought stuff for me.
2 pairs of earrings, altho i can only wear one of 'em, because of my holes.
(they're little crowns ^_^)
the second one, i removed the earring part on one and put it on that safetypin brooch ^_^
dunno what to do with the other one tho...
aaand she bought pin-making-refiller-thingamabobs, so now i can make pins again! \^_^/
i ran out of pins ....err...a very long time ago, so its just been standing on my shelf ´_`
but no more! i made some,
they are: gazerock is not dead, sisters of mercy, jun, 176biz, gazette and jun.
crap, i forgot to do a mago one... but its soo hard to get a pic that small, and still see what it is... oh well, i'll do it later.
and i got something in my eye! \>_