It's a sad Halloween

Oct 31, 2008 21:00

I'm sick, so I'm stuck at home on a Halloween. Meh, no fair. So instead I did a great job of scaring myself by listening to myself read the three Halloween fics on SpellCast that just released (that's right, ask the sick girl to read the fics--goes with the Halloween theme). You can't really tell I'm that sick in them as I edited out all my wheezing, gasping, and coughing (which was a lot of editing). Since I mentioned it, I'll tell you you can listen here or just download it from iTunes.

In happier Halloween news, I got my new (to me) car today. New car? you ask. Oh yeah, you might not have heard, I totaled my beautiful Jetta. Wasn't my fault. I got hit head on by a drunk driver. Messy business. Anyway, that's why I'm sick (got a bruise across my chest from the seat belt, causing swelling around my lungs, causing me to take shallow breaths, causing fluid to build up in my lungs, causing one sick me, bleh). So, back to new car. I got a black 02 Beetle. It's a diesel just like my Jetta (same engine and all, just different body). It's super cute and Bubbles fits right in on the dash board. I had enough money from the insurance payout to buy it outright, which equals no loan (yay me), which is why I went for the Beetle (cheaper than the Jetta). I'm just glad the whole mess is over. My tenants must think I'm dealing or something since I've now parked my fourth car in just over two weeks (I had two different rental cars due to the oh-so-competent rental company loosing the new tabs to the car they gave me and not even realizing the tabs were expired til I told them). I've had enough of musical cars for now. Hear that all you drivers out there? Don't you dare hit me. I'm through with this accident mayhem. Got that? You made me spend my precious Halloween wheezing over my computer instead of dressed up and partying it like it was meant to be. No more, I say!

Ok, I'm off to take another Vicodin (ok, there might be one small tiny perk to being sick) and watch Torchwood until I pass out. Maybe it will be an extra special spooky episode.
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